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RJCadet 05-15-2011 12:29 PM

RE: Canopy Glue ??
Zap Formula 560...that's stuff. It's the only glue that I've found that works well. Any white glues I've tried become brittle and the canopies came off. It keeps quite a while but I have had it harden like a lump of rubber in the bottle so it doesn't last forever.

tenacious101010 05-15-2011 01:33 PM

RE: Canopy Glue ??
It's water based. After opening the container, keep it sealed or it will harden. I secured a small panel on my plane with it, the panel shifted before it dried. I had to peel off the panel with a razor blade, some of the balsa came off with it. I put the small panel in a dish of water and after a while, it turned back to white and softened again and I was able to peel off the wood that was stuck to the panel.

opjose 05-16-2011 08:54 AM

RE: Canopy Glue ??

ORIGINAL: tenacious101010

Whoever says canopy glue is the same as elmers glue..........

Pacer themselves say it.

As I mentioned they HAD to produce a toxilogical report for the English governement prior to selling the 560 glue you are talking about there.

It listed all of the chemicals and volumes used in detail.

Pacer assured the UK governement that it was no different than non-toxic white glue.

I found this after someone else asserted that 560 and "white glue" were no different.

I didn't believe it at all for the same reasons you cite.... however I did bother to perform an extensive search and discovered the original poster was right.

I didn't take what he said at face value and decided to check for myself before telling him he was wrong.

tenacious101010 05-16-2011 10:15 AM

RE: Canopy Glue ??
I am not saying it is not made of the same things. What I am saying is, the properties of the two different glues are not similar at all. One dries flexible the other does not. This is not from reading or someone telling me, it is based on experience with both. Take a bit of elmers glue and some canopy glue, make a dime sized area with each one, let both dry completely. One is flexible like rubber, the other isnt. One dries clear for the most part, the other doesnt. Drop them both in water, watch the canopy glue in time turn back to white. No matter what you read. They do not have the same properties when they have dried. How they can take the exact same ingredients and they have such dissimilar properties is beyond me to explain. But if you want a flexible glue to install your canopy or similar, canopy glue will work, elmers glue wont. Lets try to help the new guys, thats my intent.

oldtyme 05-16-2011 10:31 AM

RE: Canopy Glue ??
Also..........The makers of Zap CA's make a product called Zap-A-Dap-A-Goo that works excellently for canopies and other plastics that you want to mount.........like plastic wheel wells and the such. I have used this on several planes and never had a problem. It remails somewhat pliable so after it has cured, any cleanup that oozed out is simple by using a fingernail or credit card to clean up an edge is easy.

opjose 05-16-2011 10:36 AM

RE: Canopy Glue ??

ORIGINAL: tenacious101010

canopy glue will work, elmers glue wont.


After reading that report, I tried it.

As have a few others here if you go back a few posts...

The key is to do the same thing as you do with 560 glue, and that is to first roughen up the surface a bit with sandpaper.

Do that and Elmer's works great.

BTW: I tried "drying" experiments too when white glue was first purported. I assumed that 560 used a silicon compound to retain flexibility when dry. It does not.

ORIGINAL: tenacious101010

Lets try to help the new guys, thats my intent.

They should be advised that they CAN use non RC specific stuff in their builds to save money.

tenacious101010 05-16-2011 10:48 AM

RE: Canopy Glue ??
you tried the experiment and you didnt say what the results were. Was one brittle and the other flexible? And which was flexible? Which one was more transparent than the other when dry? Please post your results.
Thanks, Denny

opjose 05-16-2011 11:03 AM

RE: Canopy Glue ??
I found there was little difference.

560 seems to have a slightly higher water retention which makes it seem flexible, but if you apply it thinly it dries the same as white glue.

The higher water retention is also why 560 seems to take longer than white glue to dry.

Since we don't apply dime sized beads to our canopies and instead opt for thin glue application, in practice both work the same way.

As I mentioned the key is to roughen the surface. If you don't results are poor with either type of glue.

I'd argue that a good silicon glue is better than canopy or white glue for retention and removeability.

tenacious101010 05-16-2011 11:07 AM

RE: Canopy Glue ??
Opjose, I am with you on not using what the sales people tell you. They tell you whats in their best interest. When I speak to people who want to get into this hobby, I tell them: go talk to the people at the flying field, not the hobby shops. The hobby shops are in business to make money. Not to help you keep your money. It is amazing how often someone at a hobby shop will try to sell something that is much cheaper if purchased somewhere else like a hardware store. I am one to use what I can find is cost effective and functional. Thus my aluminum plane was finished in Home Depot roof flashing, and cut up disposable baking pans. I used what I found, not what is designed for RC use. Rolls of aluminum sheeting at Home Depot are cheaper than the same square inches of flight metal or any other RC related product of that type.I commend you for letting people know if you find something that works better. If you rough up the canopy enough and the surface it is to adhere to, I agree, it will hold it, for a while anyway. I do think canopy glue is better and workd much better than elmers glue. It will last longer and a whiole less likely to fail causing a canopy to be lost in flight. At the price of around $3.00 a bottle that will last most modelers a lifetime and more, its a far superior product at a relatively cheap price.

tenacious101010 05-16-2011 11:13 AM

RE: Canopy Glue ??
Little difference? OK your elmers glue is very different than what I have purchased over the last 40 years or so. I guess if I bought mine where you buy yours, I wouldnt need canopy glue either. So I have to say after this is that if people who need glue in your area need to glue their canopy on, they can use elmers. If the beginners live near me, well, you might want to buy some canopy glue, the Elmers glue here and in a few other stated I have lived in are not as flexible as canopy glue. Finally we have resolved the issue of them being different, its a matter of geography.
Thanks, Denny

drbenz 05-16-2011 11:19 AM

RE: Canopy Glue ??
I prefer to use "Welders glue". Its available at lowes. dries clear and slightly flexible

opjose 05-16-2011 12:21 PM

RE: Canopy Glue ??

ORIGINAL: tenacious101010

Finally we have resolved the issue of them being different, its a matter of geography.

Thanks, Denny

I think I'm going to try silicon adhesives next.

I wonder if the type of stuff used for fish tanks, etc. has adecuate adhesion for shiny covering, but has enough "give" so as to be removable?

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