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AugerDawger 01-23-2012 07:13 AM

RE: I Dont Have IT

[quote]ORIGINAL: HoundDog

ORIGINAL: AugerDawger

<span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS"><span style="font-size: larger"><span style="color: rgb(128,0,0)">With your attitude you'll always blame someone else for your short fallings. Met a lot of guys like you ...It's never their fault the transmitter Glitched ... I got Hit ... The wind must of taken it. A gust of wind did it, my instructer .... on and on and on</span></span></span> <span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS"><span style="font-size: larger"><span style="color: rgb(128,0,0)">Never ending Whineing ... Sorry for your loss but if your going to cry over it and not put it behind you, you'll never make it in this hobby, RC planes just aren't fo you ... Just think about it before you respond.
Actually no I blamed myself repeatedly and sought advice as to how to properly vet an instructor after following this board and the AMA guidelines previously how can I take further ownership to not prevent the loss of my investment within minutes

My plane was never range checked prior to flght.

My plane was flown aerobatically on its 2nd lap around the field on its maiden flight with no inspection post- maiden.

A buddy box could have presented this....it is encumbant upon the student to REQUESTit.

All things I learn post event...next time I will demand a range check, demand we madien then land and do another air worthiness and not without the BB.

Step out side of your smarmy-ness.

Live Wire 01-23-2012 07:15 AM

RE: I Dont Have IT

ORIGINAL: AugerDawger

ORIGINAL: on_your_six

You know something cry-baby...

I am a pretty durn good RC pilot and you are not. I don't think you have the mental fortitude for it.
You come across like a punk.

Is it just your internets machismo ?

I am beginning to see why your instructor did not do any thing. You do need help but not with RC I give up:eek:

AugerDawger 01-23-2012 07:16 AM

RE: I Dont Have IT



I think you will find lots of folks on these forums will go above and beyond to help beginners. You will also find that it's better to take every post here with a grain of salt and move on. I'll be glad to help you if you are willing to come to our field. If you don't like me, we have four more instructors who will also help you.

If will post your location, you will probably find there are several people near you who will offer to help. That's why most on here list where they are in their profile. It's a good way to meet new people and gain knowledge and experience. Now, if you just want to carry on an arguement, you will definitely find many here to engage you. Why not post up your location, and ask for a hand?

One of the most rewarding aspects of this hobby for me is helping others learn to fly. I think many here will agree. Let someone give you a hand. You will really enjoy it...

You're a good man, I'll bet a Southron.


BGCombs 01-23-2012 07:17 AM

RE: I Dont Have IT

ORIGINAL: AugerDawger

ORIGINAL: on_your_six

You know something cry-baby...

I am a pretty durn good RC pilot and you are not. I don't think you have the mental fortitude for it.
You come across like a punk.

Is it justyour internets machismo?

Auger, c'mon now. You posted here to tell of your first flight experience. We all have been there on the maiden flight and first crash. Why provoke the folks who are trying to help you? Let it go, and let's go flying!

I've offered to help. If you are not close to me, tell us where you are, and I'll bet there is someone nearby who would give you a hand. Otherwise, you are going to quickly find yourself labelled by all in general as a troll, and from there my friend you are on your own.... http://www.rcuniverse.com/forum/js/f...n/drowning.gif

AugerDawger 01-23-2012 07:19 AM

RE: I Dont Have IT
I am out...you win.

BGCombs 01-23-2012 07:25 AM

RE: I Dont Have IT

tryingagain 01-23-2012 07:34 AM

RE: I Dont Have IT
Wow! One pirahna comes in a takes a bite and the rest of the school starts a feeding frenzy. I didn't see anyone whining I saw someone discouraged because his FIRST FLIGHT, did not go quite the way he had imagined it should. Now we have seers and prophets who have decided (after one flight) he should quit. I think you should go join his club, you would have a common attitude. Come on guys. The thing I have always appreciated about most RC folk is they are encouraging, supportive and understanding. They have been there done that and understand one crash is nothing to worry about. You pick yourself (and the pieces) up, dust yourself off. laugh a little and go again.
If our club had chased off rookies the way you are trying I would be short some good friends.

DanMN 01-23-2012 07:58 AM

RE: I Dont Have IT
Auger, I have read most of this thread. As mentioned numerous times, sounds like you had an instructor and a club that didn't start you off well. That sucks. Please purchase another trainer and assemble it. Take it to another field and request what you want from the instructor, plane inspection, buddy box, etc. Take what you learned from your prior experience and fix the issues you had. The operative word here is "experience". As mentioned numerouse time in this thread, gravity will have it's way with planes, helis, other flying objects that attempt to defy the law of gravity. It is a little different that you keep on flaming people here. I know it sounds like some people have been a little rough on you, but these people more than likely crashed their first plane and either fixed it that night, or went out and purchased what they needed to get another plane up quickly. I personally asked an instructor to maiden my first trainer when there were 15 MPH winds. He reluctantly did it, after I told him that if it crashed, I wouldn't consider it his fault. Luckily he didn't crash it, but I did about a month later after my solo. I have crashed to many planes to mention since that time. I have only trash canned two of them. The others I fixed.

on_your_six 01-23-2012 08:58 AM

RE: I Dont Have IT
A newbe should also go to the field during the scheduled training sessions without a plane. Watch, listen and learn while others make mistakes. Try to learn from their mistakes. Don't be in such a rush that you pick the only guy there as your instructor. Talk to some other new pilots and find out who is a good instructor... everyone is human... we all make mistakes... don't dwell on it. You might find that the one instructor that no one prefers might be the perfect fit for you. If they are careful, and talk you through tough times, and you get along... what more can you ask. No one I know of would try to wreck someones plane.

If no one got hurt and the balsa gods are still growing trees, all is right with the world.

opjose 01-23-2012 09:45 AM

RE: I Dont Have IT


The best Instructor ? Is Your best friend ! <div>
</div><div>Your best friend will buy and build your next plane if he crashes it.</div>
I've made the mistake of assuming a newbie's plane was fine because I was told "it was previously flown". In the first flight the plane crashed when a linkage pulled out.

As an instructor I considered it MY responsibility to look over the plane and deem it flight worthy. I failed to do so in this instance.

I swallowed my pride and purchased a complete brand new setup for the newbie, even though he did not blame me for his plane's demise.

Bottom line: It need not be "your best friend", just a responsible instructor.

DanMN 01-23-2012 09:51 AM

RE: I Dont Have IT
Auger, another option which was brought up in this thread was to find a club that has club owned trainers. Our club does, and we use them all the time. This way, you can get stick time with out losing money if a crash occurs. I have only seen one club trainer crash before, and that was due to structural issues in the wing, not PIC issues. We also don't allow someone to solo with these planes. They are always flown with a buddy box if they are being used for training. I have used one of my personal trainers to buddy box with people that wanted stick time. The club you were at may have this capability or there could be people around that would want to help. Most beginners usually get bored with trainers after a period of time and give or sell them to other people who are starting out. Just a thought.

on_your_six 01-23-2012 10:47 AM

RE: I Dont Have IT
Before Your First RC Flight:

1. Check your budget. You need a plane, motor/engine, servos, Transmitter Tx, matched Receiver Rx, buddy box, batteries 6Volt and 12 Volt and others, fuel, glo sticks, electric starter, props. You will need tools and glue. Within you budget you should allow for a crash or two. It is also possible to loose the entire aircraft. Purchasing a simulator is an excellent idea. To this entire sum, add another 15-25% for unexpected extras. You should decide on a monthly budget for the hobby. Wait for the budgeted funding to become available. This is not a race. You will likely need an AMA card and pay a fee to join a local flying field. Choose one close to your house. If you have to drive for an hour, you will not go as often.

2. Selecting the Plane: Be sure you have chosen the correct type of training aircraft. Good examples, but not recommendations would be; Alpha 40, Apprentice, LT40. You are looking for a plane with upswept wings. This is called dihedral and required for a good beginning plane. Choose a Almost Ready to Fly ARF plane. Decide whether you want electric or nitro. Nitro planes tend to be a bit more expensive. Electric plane batteries are not cheap either. Do not waste time building and covering a masterpiece from sticks. Do not buy someone else's mistake off the internet unless you are being closely guided by another good RC pilot.

3. Before First Flight: Don't be in a rush to fly. Rushing is a big mistake. You need time on the simulator. This means taking off flying a rectangular pattern and landing. The more time you spend, the easier this will be. I would suggest a minimum of 500 takeoffs and landings. Spend time at the field getting to know the rules and some of the pilots. Spend some time getting to know who the instructors and the engine guys are and watch what they do. Bring the plane to the field for ground testing and absolutely no flying (it is all part of being patient). Have someone show you how to properly start and adjust the engine. Check the radios for correct servo movement. Connect and check the buddy box for correct servo movement. You are not to taxi the aircraft or do anything but run the engine for a while. Get familiar with the field's wind indicators and the pattern being flown. When you get home, correct any deficiencies no matter how small. Do not touch the engine needles. A small tug on all control surfaces to check to see if anything rattled loose.

4. Select a Flight Day: You want a calm day (no wind) with sunny or broken skies. Again don't be in a rush to fly. An overcast day will make it more difficult to determine the planes orientation. I like flying in the morning. If you fly in the afternoon do not fly within an hour of sunset as the planes tend to silhouette. If you cannot see the other airplanes clearly, don't fly. Make an appointment with the person you have chosen to be your flight instructor, don't just expect them to show up. Do not accept anyone but your choice. Make use of the buddy box... no buddy box, no flying. The instructor should make a final slow ground check on the plane checking for any problems mechanically or electrically and do a range check. The instructor should take the plane up with you at his side. Don't talk about anything but the current flying situation. The instructor will trim the instructor's radio so that the plane flies hands off at a low throttle setting. Land the plane and make sure that the buddy box is trimmed to the same settings. When the trainer switch is pulled, the servos should not jump. Make sure that the full elevator, full aileron and full rudder settings agree between the buddy box and the instructor radio. Stop if they do not. The instructor will takeoff and land the plane until you show competent control. The instructor should always announce when you can expect to be given control of the plane. When the instructor takes the plane away, he should announce it when it is safe to do so. Initially, the plane should be flown at "three mistakes high" altitude. Fly the plane even when you do not have control. You want to be flying a slow constant speed at the instructor's direction. Tell him if it is too fast for you. Tell him when you are having difficulty.

5. Fly the Pattern: By learning to fly a rectangular pattern you will learn everything you need to land. If you cannot fly a decent pattern you will not be landing anytime soon. Keep things straight and level. Up and down, right and left and quick movements are all signs you do not have good control. You need to fly a right to left pattern as well as a left to right pattern. The plane is never to go behind you for any reason. Now it is a matter of lowering the pattern, and flying the low pattern consistently. When that is achieved, you are ready for some landing practice.

DougB1 01-23-2012 12:22 PM

RE: I Dont Have IT
HEY ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, when will this thread ever stop ? [&:] Hasn't this thread given this "PILOT" enough information for what he should decide what to do. We have been on here for a couple of weeks now and it seems like nothing has been resolved by the "PILOT" as what he is going to do. Sure looks like he has been playing us against each other and setting back enjoying the show. [:@]

DanMN 01-23-2012 12:33 PM

RE: I Dont Have IT


HEY ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, when will this thread ever stop ? [&:] Hasn't this thread given this ''PILOT'' enough information for what he should decide what to do. We have been on here for a couple of weeks now and it seems like nothing has been resolved by the ''PILOT'' as what he is going to do. Sure looks like he has been playing us against each other and setting back enjoying the show. [:@]
[X(] Tell me it isn't so! Hmmmm. Could it be?

overbored77 01-23-2012 12:45 PM

RE: I Dont Have IT
I agree Dougb1, but if anyone wants to enjoy the real show, head over to the local flying fields where most of us will be
flying our model airplanes. We may not agree on all the issues we see online but I think we can all agree that we enjoy what
we do for a hobby.

AugerDawger 01-23-2012 01:56 PM

RE: I Dont Have IT


HEY ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, when will this thread ever stop ? [&amp;:] Hasn't this thread given this "PILOT" enough information for what he should decide what to do. We have been on here for a couple of weeks now and it seems like nothing has been resolved by the "PILOT" as what he is going to do. Sure looks like he has been playing us against each other and setting back enjoying the show. [:@]

Actually thread is 5 days old and the PILOT (as you use in a perjorative) has set out a specific course of action within it which he is following including building a proper fuselage jig and learning to sheet foam wings. The PILOT has also networked in the scene an hour away and is on his way tonight buy a helicopter / new tx for my property while I build my trainer.

AugerDawger 01-23-2012 02:06 PM

RE: I Dont Have IT

I would not let anyone maiden flight my aircraft until the test pilot and another respected experienced hobbyistin the club airworthinessed my airframe. (RANGE CHECK!!!!)

I would make sure the plan was to then do the maiden trim and land. Bring to hanger for another airframe, control surfaceand powerplant inspection.

I would make sure the plan was then to fly and demonstrate to me the slowest controlled airspeed, 1/4, 1/2 and full throttle, glide, stallsand stall recovery.

I would make sure the plan was single rates set at a mild scale-like throw and demonstrate.

Only then would I buddy box it.</p>

378 01-23-2012 02:49 PM

RE: I Dont Have IT
Wow. I haven't seen this much trolling since the last time I was on 4Chan. Good god, guys. Remind me not to post about my first crash...at least Auger isn't giving up, but geez.

pdm52956 01-23-2012 03:07 PM

RE: I Dont Have IT
Well crap...........obviously I learned to fly the wrong way. I better get out now while the gettin' is good!

HoundDog 01-23-2012 05:46 PM

RE: I Dont Have IT

ORIGINAL: AugerDawger

I am out...you win.
<span style="font-size: larger;"><span style="color: rgb(128, 0, 0);">BUY, BYE,BYBY. Before you go let me congradulate ya I didn't realize the title of the rhis fourm was about YOU personally and nothing to do with flying RC. Glad U are out because U said it all with.
<span style="font-size: x-large;"> "I Don't Have it"</span>

HoundDog 01-23-2012 05:49 PM

RE: I Dont Have IT

ORIGINAL: AugerDawger

I would not let anyone maiden flight my aircraft until the test pilot and another respected experienced hobbyistin the club airworthinessed my airframe. (RANGE CHECK!!!!)

I would make sure the plan was to then do the maiden trim and land. Bring to hanger for another airframe, control surfaceand powerplant inspection.

I would make sure the plan was then to fly and demonstrate to me the slowest controlled airspeed, 1/4, 1/2 and full throttle, glide, stallsand stall recovery.

I would make sure the plan was single rates set at a mild scale-like throw and demonstrate.

Only then would I buddy box it.</p>
<span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;"><span style="font-size: larger;"><span style="color: rgb(128, 0, 0);">WOW looks like u got it all togeather ...Why do U need any help at all looks like ya know it all ... have fun .....</span></span></span>

HoundDog 01-23-2012 05:52 PM

RE: I Dont Have IT
<h2><font color="#800000">Anyone who says they have never crashed in this hobby either is a great lire or does more BSing than flying ...</font><br type="_moz"/></h2>

ES CONTROL 01-23-2012 07:06 PM

RE: I Dont Have IT
Could some one start a form called      I HAVE IT!

Nitro-Tom 01-23-2012 07:58 PM

RE: I Dont Have IT

ORIGINAL: AugerDawger

I am out...you win.


I have to say to build a KIT and loose it is a tough ride......[:@]

If that was the case I never would have made it in this hobby……that is for sure.

So I have a few suggestions for you:

1 - You have a sim (real flight) so you are good there

2 - Get the book, One week to solo, Dave is an AWESOME instructor, best $25 you can ever spend learning this hobby


3 - Get a replacement high wing trainer.....don't listen to these guys who say "Fly a this, or that"....you were spot on with a glow trainer.

4 - get an ARF - You will have it together in 6 hours with your building skills.....much less skin off your back when you scratch it up learning to take off and land in 15MPH wind :D

5 - Get an instructor that goes over the stuff "Soup to Nuts".....i.e. I know what a "Frequency Control Board" is for, but I started 6 years ago with Spektrum, and never had a FM radio......why? Because my instructor taught everything, including safety and use the buddy box!

6 – Do not give up, fly the covering off that ARF trainer……..do not advance too fast…..learn good form now while you can (i.e. the book will guide you)……

Once you burn 5 or 6 gallons of Nitro move on to a Hangar 9 Ultra Stick, good second plane…

Then buy Dave’s 2nd book, Repeat the 5 or 6 gallons with the Ultra stick

Just like shampoo, Lather, Rinse, repeat

Good luck man, hope you get it, not many guys can build a kit for a first plane, once past the intro, you will go far in this hobby! [8D]

BGCombs 01-23-2012 08:27 PM

RE: I Dont Have IT

[quote]ORIGINAL: Nitro-Tom

3 - Get a replacement high wing trainer.....In my opinion, you were spot on with a glow trainer.

Fixed it for ya... http://www.rcuniverse.com/forum/js/f...wink_smile.gif

AugerDawger 01-24-2012 02:31 AM

RE: I Dont Have IT


ORIGINAL: AugerDawger

I am out...you win.
<span style="font-size: larger"><span style="color: rgb(128,0,0)">BUY, BYE,BYBY. Before you go let me congradulate ya I didn't realize the title of the rhis fourm was about YOU personally and nothing to do with flying RC. Glad U are out because U said it all with.
<span style="font-size: x-large"> "I Don't Have it"</span>

With the supportive PM's and assitance I have received Imay be able to get it.

Thanks you sound like a wonderful person.

AugerDawger 01-24-2012 02:35 AM

RE: I Dont Have IT


ORIGINAL: AugerDawger

I would not let anyone maiden flight my aircraft until the test pilot and another respected experienced hobbyistin the club airworthinessed my airframe. (RANGE CHECK!!!!)

I would make sure the plan was to then do the maiden trim and land. Bring to hanger for another airframe, control surfaceand powerplant inspection.

I would make sure the plan was then to fly and demonstrate to me the slowest controlled airspeed, 1/4, 1/2 and full throttle, glide, stallsand stall recovery.

I would make sure the plan was single rates set at a mild scale-like throw and demonstrate.

Only then would I buddy box it.</p>
<span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS"><span style="font-size: larger"><span style="color: rgb(128,0,0)">WOW looks like u got it all togeather ...Why do U need any help at all looks like ya know it all ... have fun .....</span></span></span>

Bless your bitter littleheart internet toughguy.

I learned these from the GOOD folks in the hobby here.

AugerDawger 01-24-2012 02:47 AM

RE: I Dont Have IT


Good luck man, hope you get it, not many guys can build a kit for a first plane, once past the intro, you will go far in this hobby! [8D]

Thanks for the good direction.

I know ARF is easier but I am drawn to the plans and sticks.

Should of finished the fuselage jig last night but bought a micro-copter and flew.

That little thing is great after I got the TX programed. Ican see being able to fly this indoors soon. No field, club, instructor, HoundDog typesrequired !!!!!!!

Ineed more batteries

on_your_six 01-24-2012 06:22 AM

RE: I Dont Have IT
PILOT is not listening... building trainer is like polishing bullets. Who cares how shiny? Trainers are nothing but cannon fodder... save the building for something worth while. Assemble trainer ARFs ... 6hrs vs. a couple of weeks.

You have said several things that make me think you are crossing over from GA. RC is not GA.

ORIGINAL: AugerDawger

HEY ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, when will this thread ever stop ? [&:] Hasn't this thread given this ''PILOT'' enough information for what he should decide what to do. We have been on here for a couple of weeks now and it seems like nothing has been resolved by the ''PILOT'' as what he is going to do. Sure looks like he has been playing us against each other and setting back enjoying the show. [:@]
Actually thread is 5 days old and the PILOT (as you use in a perjorative) has set out a specific course of action within it which he is following including building a proper fuselage jig and learning to sheet foam wings. The PILOT has also networked in the scene an hour away and is on his way tonight buy a helicopter / new tx for my property while I build my trainer.

RCVFR 01-24-2012 06:29 AM

RE: I Dont Have IT


<h2><font color="#800000">Anyone who says they have never crashed in this hobby either is a great lire or does more BSing than flying ...</font></h2>
I think the word you are searching for is liar. Lire is the currency used in Italy befor the EU Euro came into being. There is the word lyre which is a device to hold music for a musical instrument. Lyre is pronounce same as liar; lire is not the same. I think you are good with the BS part. Hope you have a speedy recovery from whatever you are going through.

pdm52956 01-24-2012 06:33 AM

RE: I Dont Have IT
1 Attachment(s)

ORIGINAL: on_your_six

PILOT is not listening... building trainer is like polishing bullets. Who cares how shiny? Trainers are nothing but cannon fodder... save the building for something worth while. Assemble trainer ARFs ... 6hrs vs. a couple of weeks.

You have said several things that make me think you are crossing over from GA. RC is not GA.

ORIGINAL: AugerDawger

HEY ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, when will this thread ever stop ? [&:] Hasn't this thread given this ''PILOT'' enough information for what he should decide what to do. We have been on here for a couple of weeks now and it seems like nothing has been resolved by the ''PILOT'' as what he is going to do. Sure looks like he has been playing us against each other and setting back enjoying the show. [:@]
Actually thread is 5 days old and the PILOT (as you use in a perjorative) has set out a specific course of action within it which he is following including building a proper fuselage jig and learning to sheet foam wings. The PILOT has also networked in the scene an hour away and is on his way tonight buy a helicopter / new tx for my property while I build my trainer.

Give it up slick. Why do you insist on beating it to death? Are you trying to prove your RC manhood or something? It's time to crawl back under your rock now..................

378 01-24-2012 06:34 AM

RE: I Dont Have IT

ORIGINAL: AugerDawger


Good luck man, hope you get it, not many guys can build a kit for a first plane, once past the intro, you will go far in this hobby! [8D]

Thanks for the good direction.

I know ARF is easier but I am drawn to the plans and sticks.
There's no law saying you have to have either or. There's room in your hangar for both types, don't be afraid to buy ARFs for planes you're likely to crash.

Should of finished the fuselage jig last night but bought a micro-copter and flew.

That little thing is great after I got the TX programed. I can see being able to fly this indoors soon. No field, club, instructor, HoundDog types required !!!!!!!

I need more batteries

Which micro-copter did you get? I got a Heli-Max Axe CX Nano and all I had to do was stick four AAs in the Tx, charge the included lipo with the included charger, and throw it into the air.

MinnFlyer 01-24-2012 06:38 AM

RE: I Dont Have IT
Ok, this has gotten way too out of hand. I'm shutting it down

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