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Stickbuilder 12-26-2008 07:10 PM

RE: RC Report Website?


I have every copy for the last eight years stored in great shape-do you think they are worth anything except the freight to ship them away?
Well, the last 4 mean a lot to me.......[:-]

Bill, AMA 4720
WACO Brotherhood #1

PaulD 12-27-2008 08:05 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
This is very dissapointing news.

Lots of people including myself would pay more to see the mag continue but I don't think it's the subscriptions that really pay the bills. I guess there isn't a market anymore for a magazine that tells it like it is - to thier own demise maybe.

Gordon - you're one outstanding gentleman and I will miss your editorials and your mag. You can keep whatever is left of my subscription as a parting gift. I'm sure shutting things down won't be easy or cheap.



hpiguy 12-27-2008 10:10 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
What horrible news. I wish Gordon well and hope RCR can rise again in better times. How I will miss those newsprint issues so full of info and real personality (not canned editorial garbage) each month.

Well that settles it, in the USA we no longer have an independent voice in R/C magazines. Everyone else caters to the advertisers and will never tell it like it is. We are left with drivel to read. Nothing but monthly copy cat catalogs from here on out.

Heck on most of the sites they can't even tell it like it really is. I agree with the aboveposter that said if they tried topost those articles onmost sites they would be editedto be nothing but pro-advertiser fluff like the other magazines we see.

So sad indeed. [&o]

Riddle4U 12-28-2008 12:08 AM

RE: RC Report Website?
Everyone talks about product reviews when detailing their magazine preference. The reviews used to be just one small part of magazines some of us grew up with. The staff needs to be broad and leader-like in it's additional material. It is emblamatic of the failures on Wall street. That is, everything is bottom line oriented, and not customer oriented. I just got my umpteenth pair of 501 Levis (made in Mexico). They are half the weight in terms of the important material, DENIM fabric. What I am saying is that content is lost! The hobby was going down when people got too lazy to build their own damn models for god's sake! The journey towards a flying model was what was great about this hobby, and not so long ago EVERYONE had to take that journey toward a flying model. Not knocking ARF's as is common, just saying that a lot of ARF buyers buy their fancy "dream plane" and crash it, then sell all on Ebay. Magazines should rely on subscription base to a greater extent, and provide better content. That does NOT mean just being the better "ARF" reviewer. If people are buying magazines for ARF reviews only, then we are cooked as a hobby because ARF's never were the darn hobby.

foodstick 12-28-2008 12:15 AM

RE: RC Report Website?
I am guessing if decides he wants to put together a website he may be able to make a profitable one..He still can supply the content,....but at a much lower cost, Hopefully if he wants to he can get some sponsors and make a go of it..

I don't know where he got the time, as productive as he is at building !

JCOKEEFE 12-28-2008 09:12 PM

RE: RC Report Website?


Everyone talks about product reviews when detailing their magazine preference. The reviews used to be just one small part of magazines some of us grew up with. The staff needs to be broad and leader-like in it's additional material. It is emblamatic of the failures on Wall street. That is, everything is bottom line oriented, and not customer oriented. I just got my umpteenth pair of 501 Levis (made in Mexico). They are half the weight in terms of the important material, DENIM fabric. What I am saying is that content is lost! The hobby was going down when people got too lazy to build their own damn models for god's sake! The journey towards a flying model was what was great about this hobby, and not so long ago EVERYONE had to take that journey toward a flying model. Not knocking ARF's as is common, just saying that a lot of ARF buyers buy their fancy "dream plane" and crash it, then sell all on Ebay. Magazines should rely on subscription base to a greater extent, and provide better content. That does NOT mean just being the better "ARF" reviewer. If people are buying magazines for ARF reviews only, then we are cooked as a hobby because ARF's never were the darn hobby.
[8D]'Nuff said. AMEN!!!

mobyal 12-28-2008 11:59 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
Well, a sad day.
Nothing left for product reports/reviews but the "everything's perfect" fluff pieces in the monthly color advertising mags.
That makes the forums here even more important for getting straight information on products.
I'd gladly pay double the current subscription price to keep the mag, but given the recent difficulties Gordan had trying to line up substitute or replacement columnists on top of everything else, I imagine the hassle factor played quite a part in the decision too.
(By the way, Master Chief, great columns in your role as a substitute for Dick Watz!)

WILDCRASHWILLY 12-29-2008 12:20 AM

RE: RC Report Website?
I've subscribed for years. The last few renewals are for two years at a time. I'll would gladly send you more money and be willing to pay double your current price to keep this magazine alive. It really is the only mag worth reading in the current environment. We desperately need your RC version of consumer reports.

Gray Beard 12-29-2008 12:51 AM

RE: RC Report Website?
Oh Poop!!!!! If Bad Shirt says it's so then I guess it's true unless something wonderful happens!!! By the way Dick, I always liked the shirts and tried to buy the same ones!! Close anyway!![8D]

Stickbuilder 12-29-2008 08:57 AM

RE: RC Report Website?

ORIGINAL: mobyal

Well, a sad day.
Nothing left for product reports/reviews but the "everything's perfect" fluff pieces in the monthly color advertising mags.
That makes the forums here even more important for getting straight information on products.
I'd gladly pay double the current subscription price to keep the mag, but given the recent difficulties Gordan had trying to line up substitute or replacement columnists on top of everything else, I imagine the hassle factor played quite a part in the decision too.
(By the way, Master Chief, great columns in your role as a substitute for Dick Watz!)

Thanks for the kind words. I just tried not to embarass myself, Gordon or Dick with my pitiful efforts.

Bill, AMA 4720
WACO Brotherhood #1

Cobra1 12-29-2008 10:00 AM

RE: RC Report Website?
Well, I hope Gordon enjoys just going to the field and flying - I will miss the mag. Damn, what will i read in the "Reading room" now! OK, now I'm mad. [>:]

Lucky Dog 12-30-2008 01:05 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
Sad news indeed. [sm=cry_smile.gif] A sign of the times I guess. I will sorely miss the great content, the accurate reviews, and the witty writing. I'll miss Dick's shirts too.

I would have gladly paid a subscription increase as well.

Roary m 12-30-2008 06:30 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
This harkens to '1984', except in this instance all magazines will have been replaced with online reports and the only way to read in the 'reading room' will be to install a flat screen in the john. Still trying to figure out how the mouse will work not to mention the keyboard.

red head 12-30-2008 08:50 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
Roary : Maybe we shouldn't go there !!!! Enjoy !!! RED

DStone 12-31-2008 07:52 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
1 Attachment(s)
Maybe like this.

Roary m 12-31-2008 08:46 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
Didn't Bernard Madoff have one of those?

sparky925 12-31-2008 09:57 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
OK all.. i talked to gordon today about this thread and possibility of an online magazine and here is what he told me:
"I am so sick and tired of computers and crappy software, that once the magazine is closed, I may never turn on a computer again."


[size=4]Them the words from the horses .....mouth!


tailskid 01-01-2009 11:22 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
I think it is a sign of the times.....

soarrich 01-02-2009 12:02 AM

RE: RC Report Website?

ORIGINAL: pettit

Personally, I already had conversations with several other media representatives, including RCU, and I'm open to any suggestions.

Add me to a list of guys to contact for new subscriptions wherever you go, I enjoyed your honest reviews.

A sad day.[sm=crying.gif] I feel like I did when I heard Model Builder was going out of business.

N1EDM 01-02-2009 09:59 AM

RE: RC Report Website?
Rich and Dick,

Add me to that list too.


Kmot 01-02-2009 11:06 AM

RE: RC Report Website?

ORIGINAL: sparky925

OK all.. i talked to gordon today about this thread and possibility of an online magazine and here is what he told me:

"I am so sick and tired of computers and crappy software, that once the magazine is closed, I may never turn on a computer again."


Them the words from the horses .....mouth!

From the sound of the above statement, it seems to me there is much more to the collapse of "RC Report Magazine" than just economics. It sounds a lot like GB is just plain sick and tired of doing the magazine. [:o]

ISGUNN 01-02-2009 09:17 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
Well,if Richard and others can put something together,be it in print or on line,let me know.I'll subscribe.I'm going to miss the honest reporting and comic relief that Gordon always inserted.I think Gordon was tryng to position himself so someone would take over the reigns of RC REPORT so he could retire.Maybe his assistant will pick it up and do it on line.Either way,I wish Gordon and the entire crew the best in the future.
Ian Gunn
MAAC 25307

Taildragger 01-03-2009 07:59 AM

RE: RC Report Website?
Only 2 more issue's guy's! I'm going into withdrawal's already.

Lucky Dog 01-04-2009 12:07 PM

RE: RC Report Website?

ORIGINAL: Taildragger

Only 2 more issue's guy's! I'm going into withdrawal's already.
Same here Bill!

hpiguy 01-04-2009 01:12 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
I hear ya. Just reading the canned cookie cutter reviews in MAN for a minute is enough to make you miss RCR quite a bit.

It feels like I'm losing a good friend and there's nothing I can do about it. [&o][:o]

cvause 01-04-2009 02:05 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
If Tony, Dick, and the other RCR crew are listening, I want to add my two cents.

1. RCR is/was the only source that held the manufacturers to account with real product reviews and Cheers/Jeers. To me, this is what I will miss most.
2. I'm more than willing to pay the same or more in subscription fees to see these articles online.

Just a suggestion, but building a subscriber login to the website and posting the articles would probably get close to a profit at the current rates, once the cost of printing and mailing are taken out.

Not to suck up, the but the expertise in RCR, from the reviews, Tony Stillman's radio knowledge, Coberly's electric advice, etc., is well beyond any of the other publications. I'm so sick of MAN and FlyRC reviewing ARF that "fly great."

OK, I'm done.

dirtybird 01-05-2009 10:38 AM

RE: RC Report Website?

ORIGINAL: pettit

OK, y'all can start crying now

It's official. It wasn't supposed to be made public for a while but Gordon passed the word to one of the advertisers who promptly set out to tell everyone she could think of.

Personally, I already had conversations with several other media representatives, including RCU, and I'm open to any suggestions.

There are a few that i WILL NOT write for, but RCU is not one of them.

You know who I'm talking about.

Thanks for all th enice comments over the years and if I can find another place to do some writing, you'll be seeing even more ugly shirts!

Merry Christmas, y'all.

Why don't you take over and publish it on line? It could be a moneymaker as it already has an established reputation. I bet most of us would gladly pay for it.

cvause 01-05-2009 12:25 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
While I was continuing to poder the loss of RC Report, I think there are other opportunities to make money for Gordon and crew.

I've always told people I would gladly pay a fair price for a book compiling all of Ed Moorman's aerobatic instruction articles and guide cards. Those are the best teaching/learning techniques for RC aerobatics I've seen.

OldRookie 01-05-2009 02:47 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
I would second a book like that from Ed. I have printed almost all of his information offered on the Internet, but a book with everything he has offered on how to do aerobatics, would be something I would pay for. There is a lot of ways and explinations on how to do aerobatics, but Ed seems to be better than most at it.

I haven't subscribed to RCR for several years, but still hate to see it go. I guess the internet has pretty well eliminated magazines as a source for information. If you need timely information, or a question answered, a picture, history of a plane or pilot, magazines just don't compete with the internet. They are going the way of newspapers. Most newspapers aren't in very good shape now either. I would imagine printed material in general will be obsolete eventually. Just the times.


fmichaelb 01-05-2009 08:22 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
Let's see, March to be the last issue? Isn't it usually April that Mina has the cover? Hope he puts her there one more time. I just renewed like a month ago, but I won't trouble him for a refund. However, I would pay more (subscription rate) to keep the magazine going. Other than the one AMA sends you as part of your dues, it was the only one I read. Come to think of it, they were supposed to publish one of my submissions in the Here's How column, wonder if they still will? Of course, even if they do, it looks like I won't get the two year free subscription.

pettit 01-06-2009 08:00 AM

RE: RC Report Website?
That's the cover of the my issue that Mina is always on, bu you may be surprised to see who's on the March cover this year
NO, not yours truly. I had the honor of having 5 full reviews in the February issue.

BTW, I have been talking to Model Aviation and "Sport Aviator" (AMA Online magazine) to do some reviews and stuff.

Sounds like they would like me to do a few from time to time.

Maybe even right here on RCU too!

mobyal 01-06-2009 09:07 AM

RE: RC Report Website?
Please keep us posted on the availability of your reviews so that we can find them. They're by far the best in the business.

mvigod 01-09-2009 01:14 AM

RE: RC Report Website?
If any of the RC Report or RCM writers are looking to keep reviewing please contact me. While it is unfortunate that these great publications are no more I suspect some of the writers/reviewers might be interested in continuing to review product. Requirements are good writing, honesty (no need to sugar coat here), good hi res photo skills, video and video editing, and web layout is a plus but not necessary if you are very skilled in the aforementioned. If interested and you feel you are qualified just shoot me a PM.

BillyGoat 01-09-2009 08:10 AM

RE: RC Report Website?

ORIGINAL: pettit

That's the cover of the my issue that Mina is always on, but you may be surprised to see who's on the March cover this year
NO, not yours truly.
Might you be saying we finally get to see Gordon's mug? [X(]

pettit 01-09-2009 08:20 AM

RE: RC Report Website?
Yep, there's a slight chance his photo will be in that issue somewhere...

Hossfly 01-09-2009 11:33 AM

RE: RC Report Website?

ORIGINAL: cvause

If Tony, Dick, and the other RCR crew are listening, I want to add my two cents.

1. RCR is/was the only source that held the manufacturers to account with real product reviews and Cheers/Jeers. To me, this is what I will miss most.
Not to suck up, the but the expertise in RCR, from the reviews, Tony Stillman's radio knowledge, Coberly's electric advice, etc., is well beyond any of the other publications. I'm so sick of MAN and FlyRC reviewing ARF that "fly great."

OK, I'm done.
RC Report has been coming to my house for a long time, since I first subscribed when it was in a "newspaper" format. My subscriber # is/was 00292 and my current subscription expires Mar. 2011. Well, I now suppose that has been adjusted!!! :)

While in this thread there are many raves about "honest" reviews, I don't really think the reviews have been so far from any other magazine. First, let me say that FOR ME, a product review is the least important item that a magazine can print, publish, or whatever such wasted (IMO only) space is supposed to be termed. Yet now and then I scan over one and sometimes actually really read one.
With that said, I will use the example of the Dec. '08 issue, and the E-flite Deuces Wild review. While mentioned in the "Jeers" and in the text, IMO only, the fact that BOTH FIREWALLS FAILED ON THE THIRD FLIGHT would have been a major headlined feature for this airplane. This is NOT simply a small thing, it is a BIG SAFETY ITEM. To pass it off as a simple irritation is, again IMO, a terrible dereliction-of-duty to the public which the magazine serves.
Many years ago, Gordon questioned some early subscribers about how the mag. was doing. I answered that IMO he was somewhat lax in the early objectives that he initially proposed concerning reviews. OTOH I said that some of the engine reviews were overly harsh, such as a demeaning review of a Fox .40 Pylon engine where the reviewer really gave the engine a terrible report because the engine was not friendly to sport fliers and beginners. IT WAS NOT DESIGNED TO BE SO. IT WAS DESIGNED TO COMPETE IN HARD CORE RACING where beginners are not likely to be found. In addition I don't think that reviewer was in such a group. [>:] I never seemed to be in Gordon's favored circle after that exchange! :eek:

Now on the other side, those articles such as done by Watz, Hurt, Wilson, Winch, Stillman, Ed Moorman, and the "Readers Write" are definite favorites. I may not follow everything they say, but I do read and sometimes study the material.

As a long time modeler, I find lengthy reviews far too boring, yet I well understand the worth they may be to beginners. So I do not say "No Reviews" yet I exercise my right to treat them as simply succumbing to the advertisers, and that too may well be just my simple opinion. ;) One other item: I have no use for On-Line magazines. I spend too much time at this confuser when I should be building/repairing, etc. No time to spend reading a magazine.

So that is my "Review" of RC Report. I hate to see it go, but I also hate to see the real kit world go away. Not all though, my short-kit for the Palmer Plans, 120" wingspan C-123 arrived a couple days ago. Saving that for the next fall project. I really loved the two years I flew around the sky in the big one. It was actually more fun than going straight up at Mach 1.1+ Really!

So Good Bye, Gordon, et. al. Besides the column authors, I will miss your humor and the jokes. :D

Stickbuilder 01-09-2009 08:51 PM

RE: RC Report Website?

Thanks for the kind words. I really enjoyed sitting in for Dick Watz while he was recovering from his surgery. Just my luck, just when it's getting to be fun, someone pulls the plug. Drat![:@]

Bill, AMA 4720
WACO Brother #1

snowman450x 01-10-2009 07:33 AM

RE: RC Report Website?
I disagree, Mr. Cain. I dont see any other magazine or website reviewing a airplane kit and then telling the readers all the problems they found and usually how they got around them, and sometimes ending the review with the advice not to buy it. I have seen their reviews advising us not to buy kits from companys that advertise in the magazine.

No, I agree with those who say RC Report was the only real honest source of reviews for model airplane stuff. It is very sad to see them go, and I know they will be facing a lot of expenses, so I am certaily not going to ask for a refund. I got more than my money's worth from their reviews, especially Banks and Pettit reviews.

hpiguy 01-10-2009 11:44 AM

RE: RC Report Website?
The latest example was MAN saying the Hangar 9 large scale Fokker Biplane was an excellent ARF and that they had no issues with it and RCR saying the manual was horrible and they had some assembly issues. These were run in the samemonth, same plane. I'm sure they got the same plane, yet one says it like it is and one won't ever say anything bad about an advertiser.

They both said it flied well and they both overall liked the plane, but RCR gave the truth when MAN never mentioned one bad issue and only sounded like their standard cookie cutter catalog article for an advertiser.

I'm willing to bet the head folks at MAN and Fly R/C send the articles to the advertiser for approval after getting them back from the reviewer and then edit them heavily before printing them. It has happened before.

tailskid 01-10-2009 08:31 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
Who were the authors?

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