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-   -   RC Report Website? (https://www.rcuniverse.com/forum/clubhouse-190/8264136-rc-report-website.html)

acobra 01-13-2009 05:37 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
It’s just not right. I’ve been a subscriber since issue #2 (saw the first one and liked what I saw) I’ve had hints; pictures sent different writers published and even had my Twin Cub on the cover. It seems like I’m losing a friend and not some commercial relationship. Every time I’ve wrote or talked with any of the staff or writers I was treated more like a “flying Buddy” than a customer. I will truly miss this magazine and there will be no asking for a refund from me, consider it a tip for excellent services rendered. Bless you all at RCR, I will not forget.

Scar 01-14-2009 08:18 AM

RE: RC Report Website?
Has anyone seen their February or March issue? I have not.

Dave Olson

Lucky Dog 01-14-2009 08:36 AM

RE: RC Report Website?
I recieved the Feb. issue a few days ago. Boy am I going to miss RCR!

BruceTharpe 01-14-2009 11:38 AM

RE: RC Report Website?
This really hurts. RCR was the best mag out there, and the only one I chose to advertise in for the last six or seven years. In fact, I just tried sending some new ads to Gordon last night. The email bounced back, so I did some investigating which led to this thread. BTE has been a small but loyal advertiser in RCR for ten years, and will continue with them until the bitter end. I wish nothing but the best for Gordon, Mina, and all the columnists and contributors to RCR.

I still miss Model Builder, and will miss RCR for a long time too.

bolar 01-14-2009 11:41 AM

RE: RC Report Website?
I got mine a few days ago also. Nothing about what is going to happen. Business as usual, people writing how great the magazine is, people renewing, writers talking about future columns...

This is kind of like watching a movie and knowing how it's going to end [:@].

P-51B 01-14-2009 11:47 AM

RE: RC Report Website?
O.K. folks, after some careful consideration and thought, I believe I have come up with a solution to the RC Report situation.

I suggest that everyone here contact Pizza Hut to have them ban Mr. Banks unless he keeps the magazine going. [X(]

I know its drastic, but sometimes thats what it takes!!! :)

Red Scholefield 01-14-2009 11:52 AM

RE: RC Report Website?


O.K. folks, after some careful consideration and thought, I believe I have come up with a solution to the RC Report situation.

I suggest that everyone here contact Pizza Hut to have them ban Mr. Banks unless he keeps the magazine going. [X(]

I know its drastic, but sometimes thats what it takes!!! :)
That might be considered overkill, why not just kindnap Mina and hold her until he restarts RC Report. [8D]

RCVFR 01-14-2009 12:51 PM

RE: RC Report Website?


Has anyone seen their February or March issue? I have not.

Dave Olson
It's in my LHS, but hasn't made it to my mailbox, yet (Feb issue).

RCPAUL 01-14-2009 01:02 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
Mine (Feb. Issue) arrived in OH a couple of days ago.


Scar 01-14-2009 07:05 PM

RE: RC Report Website?


Mine (Feb. Issue) arrived in OH a couple of days ago.

Okay, my February issue was waiting for me when I got home. Thanks,
Dave Olson

P-51B 01-15-2009 09:33 AM

RE: RC Report Website?

ORIGINAL: Red Scholefield


O.K. folks, after some careful consideration and thought, I believe I have come up with a solution to the RC Report situation.

I suggest that everyone here contact Pizza Hut to have them ban Mr. Banks unless he keeps the magazine going. [X(]

I know its drastic, but sometimes thats what it takes!!! :)
That might be considered overkill, why not just kindnap Mina and hold her until he restarts RC Report. [8D]
That seems a bit risky. I don't know much about his relationship with Mina, however his relationship with pizza is well documented. :D

Stick 40 01-15-2009 01:53 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
How sad, I droped out of r/c for a few years to raise my kids and am back now. I wish I had keep up my rc report subscription, I let a few years go by without getting it.

I really like the honest reports of models and products, I felt like I would get my moneys worth if I followed thier advice and I did. If they said there was some issue with a model and how to fix it, I would do it and wind up happy with the plane or product. conpanys do better when customers wind up happy with thier products. Rc report helped us in buying and enjoying the items we purchased.

As far as the kits, I too miss the kits and the reviews. But when I got into rc planes there was a good number of the OLD BOYS that felt , YOU MUST BUILD YOUR OWN RADIO'S to be a true rc'er. Things change, nothing remains constant except CHANGE.

What I see in the other mag's is mostly ad's to sell me stuff, with little content to read and mostly no help.

Thanks for the many years of R/C REPORT , Gordon - good luck in the future.

your friend


Kmot 01-15-2009 02:15 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
My issue just arrived. My subscription expires Feb 2010. :(

Another sweet young thing on the cover. Another reason I will miss RCR.

sparky925 01-15-2009 10:55 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
OK Everyone its nearly final...RCReport Online!!!!!!!!!!

We are going to AT LEAST!! post articles composed by reviewers and columnists......
we are still working out the particulars of an E-Zine and even perhaps options for mailings....
I have started a new thread to get the publics opinions!!

[link=http://www.rcuniverse.com/forum/m_8363338/anchors_8363338/mpage_1/key_/anchor/tm.htm#8363338]RCReport Online[/link]

P-51B 01-16-2009 10:04 AM

RE: RC Report Website?
So, the pizza threat is having an effect..;)

RJCadet 01-17-2009 04:35 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
I'm in full agreement with Gordan about the reliability of software and computers. There is still nothing more portable, instant on and reliable than the paper format of RC Report. It is the most thoroughly read magazine I have ever received. I read every page including ARF reviews that are of low interest to me. They are usually the last articles that I peruse while waiting for the sandman to sprinkle my eyes with dream dust. I won't do that from a display screen. I would pay double to keep it coming in paper. RC Report is the last vestige of the real interests in this hobby (obsession?) in this format. If it ends, perhaps Model Aviation (AMA) can pick up some of the pieces. My currant subscription still has a few months left but I don't want any refund. Thanks for the great magazine.

rsad 01-21-2009 08:49 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
Well, I guess I'm late in hearing about this. I just received my Feb issue and was reading it when I decided to go online to renew for a couple of years. I could not get to the rc report site so I did a google search and this thread popped up.

I made a mistake 3 years ago of taking a 3 year subscription to Fly RC. Useless magazine and waste of money. One of the worst IMO. It goes from the post office box to the waste basket in the post office lobby. I am not kidding.

I was sitting there reading this Feb issue and saying to myself how nice it was to be reading this mag again. I bought my subscription last July when I just couldn't deal with the other mags any longer.

All good things come to an end unfortunately. I certainly enjoyed reading it from cover to cover. All of the writers, editors, models ...everyone who was part of RCR should be proud of the information that they brought to RC modeling community. I found the content useful and enjoyable.

Good Job!!! Thank you.

P-51B 01-21-2009 09:59 PM

RE: RC Report Website?


I'm in full agreement with Gordan about the reliability of software and computers. There is still nothing more portable, instant on and reliable than the paper format of RC Report. It is the most thoroughly read magazine I have ever received. I read every page including ARF reviews that are of low interest to me. They are usually the last articles that I peruse while waiting for the sandman to sprinkle my eyes with dream dust. I won't do that from a display screen. I would pay double to keep it coming in paper. RC Report is the last vestige of the real interests in this hobby (obsession?) in this format. If it ends, perhaps Model Aviation (AMA) can pick up some of the pieces. My currant subscription still has a few months left but I don't want any refund. Thanks for the great magazine.

I agree with you about the reading from the display screen thing. Not what I would want from the magazine either.

Kmot 01-21-2009 10:00 PM

RE: RC Report Website?


It goes from the post office box to the waste basket in the post office lobby. I am not kidding.

At least toss it in one of the stalls in the crapper! lol... :p

JDHammer 01-21-2009 11:54 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
Nothing about this situation makes any sense to me. I count 54 advertisers in the latest February issue, some with multiple ads. Every letter from the readers echoes my sentiments exactly- The magazine is perfect, don't change a thing, we'll do whatever it takes on subscription rates to keep it going. Nothing was even tried! Maybe I just don't understand today's business world.

In any case, I agree with RJCadet. I'll reread my old paper issues rather than squint at the photon tube.

Gordon, thank you for the great magazine while it lasted!

Bax 01-22-2009 12:27 PM

RE: RC Report Website?


Nothing about this situation makes any sense to me. I count 54 advertisers in the latest February issue, some with multiple ads. Every letter from the readers echoes my sentiments exactly- The magazine is perfect, don't change a thing, we'll do whatever it takes on subscription rates to keep it going. Nothing was even tried! Maybe I just don't understand today's business world.

Very likely, the readers wouldn't take the subscription price increase the magazine needed to "stay alive", nor would the advertisers. For magazines (and newspapers), the ads carry the actual expenses of the magazine. Subscription prices barely cover the costs to mail them out. Raise advertising prices and the advertisers start to drop out. Companies seriously look at the return for each advertising dollar spent, and use that information to determine where the advertising dollars go. If a "catalog" magazine generates the sales, that's where the money goes. Can't look at it in any other light...not if you're an advertiser and want to stay in business.

There are some magazines that you can get for absolutely no charge at all! You don't have to belong to an association, you don't have to pay subscription fees, nothing. Just work in the "proper" field and you can subscribe to the magazine. They are entirely-supported by their advertising. Many "trade" publications operate just like that.

Scar 01-22-2009 01:25 PM

RE: RC Report Website?



Nothing about this situation makes any sense to me. I count 54 advertisers in the latest February issue, some with multiple ads. Every letter from the readers echoes my sentiments exactly- The magazine is perfect, don't change a thing, we'll do whatever it takes on subscription rates to keep it going. Nothing was even tried! Maybe I just don't understand today's business world.

Very likely, the readers wouldn't take the subscription price increase the magazine needed to "stay alive", nor would the advertisers. For magazines (and newspapers), the ads carry the actual expenses of the magazine. Subscription prices barely cover the costs to mail them out. Raise advertising prices and the advertisers start to drop out. Companies seriously look at the return for each advertising dollar spent, and use that information to determine where the advertising dollars go. If a "catalog" magazine generates the sales, that's where the money goes. Can't look at it in any other light...not if you're an advertiser and want to stay in business.

There are some magazines that you can get for absolutely no charge at all! You don't have to belong to an association, you don't have to pay subscription fees, nothing. Just work in the "proper" field and you can subscribe to the magazine. They are entirely-supported by their advertising. Many "trade" publications operate just like that.

Bax is correct. There are trade magazines supported only by advertisements. Also correct, RCR would probably need to substantially boost rates.

I, for one, believe the rates were entirely too low. I renewed in March 2008 for 48 months, $64. Figure out the per-issue price there.

Dave Olson

Nathan_L 01-22-2009 02:02 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
If you owned a company that imported ARF's in the 15" to 60" wingpsan size would you get more bang for your buck advertising in RC/Report or another ad based magazine like FLY/RC ? Seriously.

Not all RC/Report readers are like this but I'm guessing on average they are less likely to buy an ARF, a small electric plane etc...than readers of the surviving magazines. That's where the ad revenue is coming from.

Nobody is selling ads to plan companies, building supplies, kit makers anymore. There are a few, but compare them to the other ads.

Daniel-EL 01-28-2009 03:00 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
A dadgum shame, for sure. Just got my final issue of RC Report and that was the first I'd heard about their financial troubles. I guess we've all got them right now, especially us retirees. To say I'm PO'd at t he Federal Government would be the understatment of the Century. They saw it coming and fiddled while Rome burned. I hate 'em all, but especially the RINOs.[:@]

Daniel-EL 01-29-2009 12:34 PM

RE: RC Report Website?


Nothing about this situation makes any sense to me. I count 54 advertisers in the latest February issue, some with multiple ads. Every letter from the readers echoes my sentiments exactly- The magazine is perfect, don't change a thing, we'll do whatever it takes on subscription rates to keep it going. Nothing was even tried! Maybe I just don't understand today's business world.

In any case, I agree with RJCadet. I'll reread my old paper issues rather than squint at the photon tube.

Gordon, thank you for the great magazine while it lasted!

I just wonder if this is the beginning of the end for paper RC peridicals altogether. Hope not, but it seems like all paper based periodicals are in trouble these days including major newspapers.

I will really miss the articles from my favorite author, Dick Pettit. Dick, I hope you can find a home somewhere soon and keep up your maniac pace of model building and reporting.

pettit 01-29-2009 12:54 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
R/C REPORT dot net is well on the way and I'll be doing some of the same stuff for that medium that I have been doing for the one on the brown paper!

Just give us s little more time.

Volfy 01-29-2009 03:28 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
Gordon himself said it best in his March fairwell editorial: RCR failed first and foremost because of his bad management. I've always wondered why Gordon steadfastly refuse to go "glossy". I understand his dedication to maintain his content-to-fluff ratio, but magazines need to be flashy and colorful to attract attention on the newstand - and to succeed. You cannot serve your readers if you go under. Pack with the devil, yes. But it's the nature of the beast.

Having said that, I had at one time subscrbied to ALL the major RC rags. Slowly, I let all of them run out - except RCR. Still, every time I receive an issue of RCR, I wish it were glossy, flashy, chock full of stunning photos and - yes - ads, and still carry the same written content.

Love the content - hated the packaging!

My sub is supposed to run out in 2012, I think. Gordon need not worry about me asking for refund. Whatever I paid, I've already gotten my money's worth many issues ago.

J_Whitney 01-29-2009 03:35 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
I HATE glossy paper! You need it for good looking photos, but it was hell on the eyes. One of the lesser reasons I stayed with RCR is because he used newsprint. The major reasons were the content and the contributors. And it was often very funny!

N1EDM 01-29-2009 07:15 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
Tony and Heather,

I don't know if this is too soon to ask or not, but will you be able to provide back issues? I still haven't received my Feb issue and folks are already talking about the March issue... I may have lost mine in the mail somehow. Don't mind buying a new one - well worth the price, if they will be available.

Best of luck wtih the new venture. I'll support it!!


hpiguy 01-29-2009 07:45 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
I loved the newsprint issues. It let me know it was content over just showy just that never taught me something.

Too bad many of my R/C flying counterparts wanted flashy "advertiser approved" fluff over real article substance.

mogman 01-29-2009 08:48 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
Bob, the March issue has a list of back issues that are still available.


J_Whitney 01-29-2009 09:33 PM

RE: RC Report Website?


Tony and Heather,

I don't know if this is too soon to ask or not, but will you be able to provide back issues? I still haven't received my Feb issue and folks are already talking about the March issue... I may have lost mine in the mail somehow. Don't mind buying a new one - well worth the price, if they will be available.

Best of luck wtih the new venture. I'll support it!!

Huh, and I thought I was the last guy in the continental US to get my issue. My February issue arrived about 2 days ago, Tony has published it to the web if yours never shows up.

mobyal 01-29-2009 09:38 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
My Feb issue arrived Monday...

N1EDM 01-29-2009 09:51 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
Thanks, Guys. I hope that my issue shows. For some reason, the first few months of the year are a very delivery for RCR, but this is even longer than usual. Oh well, I'll just hang on and hope that it arrives.

Thanks guys.


Daniel-EL 01-29-2009 10:09 PM

RE: RC Report Website?

ORIGINAL: pettit

R/C REPORT dot net is well on the way and I'll be doing some of the same stuff for that medium that I have been doing for the one on the brown paper!

Just give us s little more time.
Good news! Thanks for the info....I'll keep my eyes peeled. I am dying to find out what that major kit was you were building but never got the chance to tell us about.

emailbanter 01-30-2009 02:08 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
Rats ! RC Reports is my favorite RC magazine that tells it like it is. Good planes and equipment get good reviews, faulty ones get the report they deserve. Double rats that I just renewed my two year subscription too.

John Sohm 01-30-2009 11:34 PM

RE: RC Report Website?


ORIGINAL: pettit

R/C REPORT dot net is well on the way and I'll be doing some of the same stuff for that medium that I have been doing for the one on the brown paper!

Just give us s little more time.
Good news! Thanks for the info....I'll keep my eyes peeled. I am dying to find out what that major kit was you were building but never got the chance to tell us about.

That's excellent except for one minor issue... my usual "reading room" does not have a computer but it does have excellent plumbing. I thought last year sucked when I lost my job in February but then I got a new, better job in December and things were looking good for a while. This is the most disheartening news since Nov 4th. :(

I would like to wish Gordon and the crew all the best and want to say that you're humor and wit, along with the best damn reviews of any magazine published, made for an excellent magazine and will be sorely missed. I only wish I had the funds personally to assist you during this time of economic downturn, and help you survive as a business and a public trust.

hpiguy 01-31-2009 01:41 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
I see in the last issue I just received that Gordon is being stiffed on 18,000 in ad revenue.

I'd like to have the names of those advertisers so that I don't spend money with them. I won't support someone who had a part in putting the best R/C mag out of business.

acobra 01-31-2009 02:55 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
[:@]Right ON!

lee292 01-31-2009 03:32 PM

RE: RC Report Website?
I got my last issue day before yesterday, and like the many who have posted here, I am saddened by the loss of RC Report. I've subscribed to mags that have folded before, and they just stopped coming. Kudos to Gordon for having the integrity to announce he was ending publication and also offering to refund unused subscriptions of greater than $10. He can keep my subscription money as a thank you for a great mag. I guess I'll just have to cruise the boards and forums to find out what's good and what's not, and not buy anything before it's reviewed by somebody out in cyberland rather than rely on the rubber stamp reviews published by the glossies. So long, Gordon, and thanks for a great magazine!

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