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vellum2 12-02-2008 10:54 PM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
Roll Tide!


Let's Go Gators!

FlyingWorks 12-03-2008 07:08 AM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
Good luck Tuny!

Please keep us informed.


JAS 12-03-2008 09:26 AM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
Just looked at the weather report and other than the usual sun, it looks like mid-70's from now till Saturday. Sunday looks to hit a high of only 70, so bring some warm clothes (for the Southerners ;)). For you guys from the North... bring your shorts.

jrpav1 12-03-2008 12:30 PM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
It's been warm (for this time of the year) up here in D1 too - almost 40 today. If you want we can bring some of this weather down to you guys like we did a few years ago...

John Pavlick
Team Black Magic, Tech-Aero Designs

MHester 12-03-2008 06:19 PM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
Welp, after my doctor's appt this morning, looks like me and Melissa will be staying home this year. Pnuemonia + lupus.

So, I need to let Steve know he needs to get on plan B for scoring?

You guys have fun and take lots of pics, I REALLY wanted to be there!!!!


cdodom 12-03-2008 06:36 PM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
Well Mike, I hope you get well soon. because there is still a foamy ass woopin in your future!lol

But seriously Get well soon.



JAS 12-04-2008 12:23 AM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
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M&M, we'll miss you guys here, but like Chris said, get better soon.

Technically it's only 1 more day, but we'll go with 2 more till the start of Tangerine. I went and got my guest tonight and for the first 10 minutes he spent putting the Passport together, he was bored... then he broke out the fun plane... the Omega. I've learned a bit about this plane since Chip's been here. It was designed in 84 as a side-exhaust plane. Merle got a hold of it and glassed in the nose and made it an inverted rear-exhaust plane. Looking at it and you might think it was an Atlanta or Aurora (gonna make a good pic next to Joe and Jim's planes). Here are a few detailed shots of the plane. 8 servos, RE Rossi Blackhead with Mixture control and now 8ch FASST system with a 2-cell TP 730 and 6V reg. Those old Futaba servos never had it so good...lol. Tomorrow we're off to fly. My guess, the Omega flies first.

1- Look at these toothpicks
2- Nue Motor
3- Hollow front shaft
4- 2nd thoughts?
5- Rossi on a Hyde Mount of course
6- Radio compartment in wing saddle- Elv/Rud at rear, top is mixture, side is nose gear and lil one is throttle
7- Wing servos- Retracts, Flaps, Ailerons
8- yea, it's a small mount

JAS 12-04-2008 12:24 AM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
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I'm so glad this Omega is staying at my place after Tangerine... it looks so cool.

jrpav1 12-04-2008 12:57 AM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
Oh man that is cool!!! I wish I could be there. Make sure you guys take plenty of pictures! When I first started flying that's what a Pattern plane was. I remember watching Tipos and Curares at local contests back in the late 70's / early 80's. What a sight. Then came cars and girls and a house and more girls... I didn't fly for a long time. When I got back into it a few years ago, I realized that I had missed the coolest era (to me) of Pattern flying (pre-turnaround). I know the new planes actually fly better in many ways, but those old ballistic monsters will always be my idea of what a Pattern plane should be. I really wish I could be there to see this all in person but, as usual, making a living overrides my love of toy airplanes. :( You guys have fun and post some pic's when it's all over. Maybe I'll make it down next year.

John Pavlick
Team Black Magic, Tech-Aero Designs

cdodom 12-04-2008 06:38 AM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
that looks AWESOME Guys!! I cant wait to see the Omega fly. this afternoon my dad should be rolling into RCACF. and I should be coming in at about at about 930 (WORK!!!!) but we should eat real good friday. my dad will be grilling up some steaks. until then see yall tonight.

Thanks, Chris

AmericanSpectre505 12-04-2008 07:54 AM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
Mike & Melissa,

Best wishes to the two of you and get well soon! :D

Best Regards,

Bill Holsten
Team Fliton

grcourtney 12-04-2008 08:26 AM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
rollin now!!! see ya tonight!!


jim woodward 12-04-2008 08:29 AM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
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Jason/Chip and old-retract guys - my MK Green unit has the same "hex-crosed-wire-loop" thing on the front of it like you photoed on Chip's Omega. It is a steerable unit. I tried to post a picture of the nose gear I have. This wire is broken in one spot, and I haven't had time to totally analyze wether to try and lock the steering up, or replace this wire. .... I can still take off though by keeping the front wheel light. ;)

anyways - I'm coming for sure now. The Aurora has two successful non-deadstick flights, and the Markham Park guys went ape-shyt-bonkers when they saw it flying - and nearly keeping up with the Wednesday jet pilots :) :) :) Some of the old guys were like, "... wow - what is that? I thought thats what it was. I love fast pattern. That is how it is supposed to look!!!" Some of the jet guys who are former pattern pilots were interested to hear that this style is making a come-back. I was really surprised at their reaction. When I fly the PassPort is is like, "... yawn, yah that was nice, now land." When the Aurora went goes up, it is totally different reaction from them. fun to see really.

Hey - BEFORE BPA flies, we need pictures of all the pllanes lined up. I'm still not "totally" confident :) in my ability to hit the smaller Apopka runway with this plane :) So far, killing the motor on downwind seems to be the way to slow it down to sub-sonic speed for landing. Anyone greese thier wheels lately?

- hey - what hotel are most guys at?

JAS 12-04-2008 09:56 AM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
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Measure the wire and I'll see about getting some.

Should I wake him up? I love when he brags about it not being late at night... at 3am...lol.

MHester 12-04-2008 10:01 AM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
Hey Jim, FWIW, I've landed an Aurora once at Apopka...that crazy Jason and Ryan and Joe were playing with it and they threw me the transmitter with about oh, 3-4 ounces of fuel left...LOL

let me warn you now.....it FLOATS at mach 10. Even dead stick *ahem* LOL

Just head for the end of the runway, plant it and burn the tread off....you'll do much better than me I'm sure :D

Dangit this sucks...I wanna GO!!!!!


jim woodward 12-04-2008 10:56 AM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
Well, at Apopka, I forgot we can fly below the runway, then flare-up to bleed speed I guess. I don't know - need pictures before the flying starts though :)

grotto2 12-04-2008 11:21 AM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
Yeah, that's it, Jim. Kill the engine, then do a couple of dead stick rolling circles around the pond before entering the downwind.

DaveL322 12-04-2008 01:22 PM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
So...I guess Chip didn't bring the old single stick TX with him?? The SS would have been the crowning touch for the old school authenticity!!!


JAS 12-04-2008 07:31 PM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
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Man Dave, if I still had mine we could of put it in there...lol. He's fixing a main retract that cracked and let the pin fall out and gear over-extend. Should be done in a few minutes. But tonight is an early night as we're both wiped out.

Today was great weather wise with temps close to 80, slight wind and sun all day long. I flew more BPA than AMA today. I test flew Mike's Aurora, flew Doug's Compensator and helped trim Mike's Compensator XL (3" stretch). I didn't bother taking my plane out as I was enjoying helping others get their stuff up and running. Chip got his Passport dialed in and is still working on getting the Omega kinks worked out. The camping guys were showing up and the foam started to fly (in a good way... for now). It was a great day of flying all around. It was exciting to hear a piped Rossi or YS while a DZ was flying... classic!

JAS 12-04-2008 07:32 PM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
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and a few more

AmericanSpectre505 12-04-2008 07:55 PM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
Well,...just finished packing the camper for that long drive to get my butt kicked!:D We will be getting on the road about 4am. I just plan to have some fun and enjoy hanging with everyone and watching some great flying. The Element 170 composite will fly on Saturday morning,..nothing like last minute preparations,...lol!:D

See you guys tomorrow!

Bill Holsten
Team Fliton

rcflyermike 12-04-2008 09:01 PM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
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While Jason was out helping everyone else I snapped a few pix of him helping out

vellum2 12-05-2008 12:35 PM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
Good grief! Looks like the ole tangerine is going to have to go back to being 3 days... Cool!

See you fellas tomorrow BRIGHT and early!


jim woodward 12-05-2008 12:49 PM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
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safety wire in place!!!

JAS 12-05-2008 08:12 PM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
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Today could have been a contest day. 2 lines with 19 and 13 in each. BPA, SPA, AMA... all in the air, ALL day long. Even though it was busy, I managed to get a couple of flights in, but didn't get too many pics. I saw a few people taking pics so hopefully they will post some. Thanks again to the Odoms for a great dinner. So far there are 29 pilots in AMA between pre-registration and arrivals.

rcflyermike 12-05-2008 08:45 PM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
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Dean and Mike
Guys you are missing the foamy wars. It started tonight and I am sad to report the Black Magic foamy didn't fair so well against the CR-260. Here are a few pix of tonights war:

Mrs. Score Keeper 12-05-2008 10:16 PM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics

we are missing all the fun ..... it suxs to be sick

have fun guys !!!!

JAS 12-06-2008 06:14 AM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
Well just think Melissa, you guys get to sleep in ;) Hope you're getting better. Off to the field. I'll take some more pics today. Looking forward to getting shots of both the AMA and Classic planes... all on the same flightlines. Supposed to be high 70's and maybe 5kt winds...

mups53 12-06-2008 09:07 AM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
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Hey all you lucky guys I wish I could be there. Looks like a blast enjoy that weather and thank your lucky stars that you don't have to be stuck in Chicago. Here's a pic I just took from my backyard about 5 minutes ago. Oh yeah it was 5 degress 2 nights ago.
Keep the pics and reports coming boys it warms me up dreaming that I was there. Mike Mueller

MHester 12-06-2008 05:38 PM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
Scores! Scores! Scores! I'm having DTs.....*twitch*


jim woodward 12-06-2008 06:56 PM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
First goal met. I didn't look at the scores all day.

Photo dump test. For some reason can't upload photos from the HoJo.

Don Szczur 12-06-2008 08:09 PM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
Great contest. It's really neat seeing several generations worth of pilots (literally) flying at the same location, at the same contest, at the same time.

Got to meet Carlos who is one of the overseas competitors, making his way all the way from South America to fly in the Tangerine. He is flying a Brio with very similar setups to the one I am flying. There were reps there from Korea (Fliton). Ron Ellis won the raffle for the Fliton's newest in their line of pattern plane. It was good to meet some acquantences I knew from France. We got to recall experiences at Romilly. Tangerine weather is really a pretty nice, in fact ideal flying conditions. Picture yourself transposed from mid July in the Northeast or Central district... instantly summer again. The planes fly "slow". That nice humid air that makes the planes fly so smooth...

Joseph is having a great time, which is exactly the reason he is flying. That is a great attitude. Being his usual self, he blew off his opportunity to get a practice flight of F09 or even make an attempt to learn the sequence, so he could fly other folks' foamies til dark. Well, we will see how things will go for him tomorrow. It was very neat seeing him fly the P09 today. Yes, dad wore the Pluto hat on the last round today, which brought on a few comments from those watching.

The BPM planes really brought back some memories. I know at least one pilot flew his plane last in 1983, this is his first contest since that year. Remember the days when you called your own maneuvers for the judges, "next maneuver will be a top hat"..."beginning now"... "maneuver complete".... Chip was having a tremendous blast after his first flight, greasing in that landing just like the old days in AMA Advanced. He, along with Joe, Jim, John, Gary and the others saw how fast and smooth they could fly. I'm, still waiting for that super slow roll right down the runway... maybe tomorrow.

Miss seeing Mike and Melissa. Isabella is ready to take Joseph's place as score sheet runner. I know how much Melissa liked Joseph helping at the NATS last year.

Jason is flying very crisp. I was very impressed with his flying. Jim Woodward is also flying very well and will be moving into the winners circle soon with his attention to detail and talent. Chip demonstrated the excellent flying of and with the Passport. We are all having a great time at this early "Spring Training".

It's definitely a contest to put on the calendar for next year. I'll see if I can take some pictures tomorrow for eventual upload when I get back to a connection.

Oh yes, the small foam chunk that dissapeared out of the back part of the rudder of Chris' foamy- well you just have to ask Chip about that....(or John's dog...)


JAS 12-06-2008 09:02 PM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
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And Don is flying very well also... and probably slower than us electrics...lol. There is great flying and tremendous fun going on here. Slight delay this morning with fog and about 30 minutes of showers (I think it was the fog drying out ;)). Of course there has to be a few to test the ceiling, and it was low for the first few flights.

At the end of the day, John F's two dogs were going nuts when the electrics would fly. When Blake first launched the bipe, I was flying Dave W's UFO and the dogs started to chase it across the runway and out into the field. Then like Don said, Chip took Blake's bipe and started teasin the dogs, but one got a lil nip outta the tail.

The 'Classic' pattern stuff is so much fun to watch. Seeing these screaming demons in the air brings back a few memories. And everyone is having so much fun and again, hearing the pilots call the maneuvers, entry and exit is too funny.

Several pilots flying AMA made the jump into a higher class for Tangerine and are doing well. 30 AMA pilots flying between the 5 classes is nice to see.

They're saying 'cold' temps for tomorrow, so I guess we'll 'suffer' through the 60's. :D

JAS 12-06-2008 09:07 PM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
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a few more around the field pics...

JAS 12-06-2008 09:26 PM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
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and when you think you can't have any more fun... Papa Pluto...:D

jim woodward 12-06-2008 09:27 PM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
trying again with some photos. Ron winning the Fliton - couldn't have gone to a better guy!!! Ron will make good use of it for sure. I'm really enjoying this event. I take this stuff as seriously as the next person, but this time, trying to just have fun with the BPA and FAI stuff and not hang on every maneuver. Watching Joe's and Chip's Atlanta and Cosmos punishing air-molecules has been a real blast! Also, its been nice to have some fun - like talking some landing trash - while your landing - or while the other guy is landing, and landing, and landing, and landing!!!! The Aurora I have is flying with no mixing and doing pretty darn good at this point and I'm just amazed at some of its flying qualities (again, I never even saw one of these fly until I resurected this on). Also, we are all relearning a few things about props and pipe length settings and retracts :) Don - thanks so much for the kind words - watching Joseph and you work together, with your family support, is a real pleasure to watch and a GREAT example for all of us. Gary - thanks for your BPA calling and the loan of some 15% fuel - I didn't know before today that the YS .61 wasn't designed for 30% heli :).

More later - still trying to get some photos up.

JAS 12-06-2008 09:29 PM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
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Saturday Scores


Chomp Chomp ;)

crankpin 12-07-2008 04:01 AM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
Jim - Did Gary bring the Phoenix 8 ? Can you get a picture ? Thanks to all the post's and info.


Hobe Sound

jim woodward 12-07-2008 06:12 AM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
I have a pictures of his Phoenix 8, and will upload when I get home.

ekir 12-07-2008 06:17 AM

RE: 2008 Tangerine... reports and pics
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A few photos.

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