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  1. YS 1.10
  2. I am the Mole!
  3. YS .91AC tired and not responding
  4. DZ lost compression
  5. 0.63 & 1.10 fuel, crank, and bearing questions
  6. Woodruff key for YS61
  7. YS 91 AC parts?
  8. YS-110 Drive Washer
  9. New YS-140 Problems????
  10. Tuned Pipe for YS 91!
  11. YS 61 ST-II question
  12. YS63 & YS110 Temps
  13. ys 120fz
  14. YS110 exhaust upgrades?
  15. Ys 110 Fuel?
  16. 3D prop for YS120 A/C?
  17. Not getting fuel
  18. ys 110 low end tuning
  19. 140L carburetor gasket
  20. Official Dave Shadel Thank You Post
  21. Ys 110 putting it in my Funtana 90
  22. YS 80 Heli Engine
  23. YS 63FZ on Wildcat 20% Heli?
  24. Carb Body
  25. odd idle characteristic
  26. YS63 Fuel feed problems
  27. Pitting on Cam
  28. ys91fz muffler
  29. ys120 nc
  30. 91 to 110
  31. What Morgan Fuel do you recommend for YS?
  32. YS .63 Shaft Size
  33. Bearing Break-in
  34. Dave I have become a traitor. BUT not all the way
  35. YS 63 FZ fuel setup
  36. Dave Shadel out from 8/16 to 8/25/04
  37. YS 140 Sport - Fuel??
  38. 110 Low/Mid Range
  39. Air box cracks
  40. ys 110 FZ engine help-won't stay running.
  41. Prop, glow plug and fuel for a YS F91AC
  42. YS 61ST2 cracked crankcase....loss of power
  43. YS 1.40 FZ sport engine problem
  44. YS .53 ,Should I update it ?
  45. Dave,
  46. Glow plug longevity
  47. Fastest prop for a YS45
  48. YS 61 STII
  49. YS 120 FZ eating plugs
  50. YS 1.20 Backplate Nipple
  51. YS63 FZ question
  52. DZ140 prop sizes?
  54. Many thanks Dave!
  55. 160DZ
  56. YS 63 Problem again
  57. YS 45 loads up
  58. YS 1.20 throwing props
  59. YS 140 Sport weeping alot of fuel
  60. ys63 check valve
  61. YS 63 problem
  62. YS 63S Carb Problem
  63. Strange (lean) settings required
  64. 140L Noise
  65. when to overhaul a YS ??????
  66. YS1.10 Mid-Range Problems
  67. ys 63 going deadstick
  68. How to change O-rings for YS 140
  69. Need Help new YS 110!
  70. YS110 does not run
  71. Diaphragm
  72. Thanks Dave and your staff!
  73. YS91AC very small hairline crack
  74. Thanks Dave Shadel!
  75. YS63FZ is awesome right out of the box.
  76. YS 140 Sport - Tuning
  77. YS 140dz - prop nut.
  78. 63S Sticky valves?
  79. 1.10 Mystery
  80. ys 1.10 muffler baffle
  81. where can I get a YS 110??
  82. YS 50?
  83. 140L
  84. New 140FZ Sport will not run
  85. Need Daves Wisdom on 91 AC and 110
  86. FS45 Fails in midrange
  87. Compression
  89. 110 FZ 3 Bladed Prop
  90. Seamless tanks or NOT?
  91. YS91 AC Muffler
  92. Where to send for service?
  93. YS 61 rpm question
  94. YS .63FZ problems
  95. ys 140l 3 blade prop size?
  96. 91AC flameout
  97. brand new 110 weak compression?
  98. 63FZ idle problems in hotter weather
  99. YS service in Australia ?
  100. YS Stickers?
  101. ys63fz
  102. YS 63 idle adjustment
  103. Pipe/muffler reccommendation for YS .45
  104. YS 140 throttle barrel leaking
  105. 63 tuning issues
  107. YS 120 SF Overheating & TDC Marking Question
  108. 91AC - worth repairing?
  109. YS60 2-stroke
  110. 140 DZ Fuel pickup
  111. ys 120 fs poors fuel out of carb
  112. 63FZ problems, 63S is great!
  113. YS 61ST2 Front Bearing came sealed w/covers...
  114. YS 63 Low RPM's
  115. Muffler Coming Loose On YS 140 DZ
  116. YS 63S
  117. Need YS web site address
  118. YS .63 running lean
  119. Y/S 110 FZ
  120. Thanks Dave
  121. YS FZ 63 Muffler?
  122. Older YS-45
  123. YS-120 Help
  124. YS 61ST2 heli engine surging....
  125. 45 fuel and pressure lines
  126. Fuel advice for YS63s
  127. Y/S 110 FZ questions from a NEWBEE
  128. Ys 110 help
  129. No Success with YS-91FZ
  130. dave i need some help here
  131. 91FZ puzzle
  132. YS91 broken exhaust pipe weld
  133. 140L compression
  134. prop for a ys 110
  135. 91AC with no compression
  136. Thought it was a big problem but wasn't!
  137. YS 140L service.
  138. Inverted YS's smoking?
  139. YS Performance Repair Question
  140. 120FZ
  141. YS 110 Crashed
  142. YS Parts/Service
  143. 3-bladed prop on 120 AC
  144. YS 63 Problem
  145. YS 63s Breaking in?
  146. 120 AC compression
  147. 140L "Air Leaks & Spiitting Fuel out of the Carb"
  148. YS 110 fuel setup
  149. y.s. 120 woodruff key
  150. YS53 - which way round does regulator go?
  151. YS 61 FR - sensitive/worn needle
  152. YS 91 AC Carb loading up
  153. Fuel with YS Engines
  155. Tune pipe for YS .61 R 2 stroke
  156. YS63 flooding at idle
  157. FZ110 Air Leak
  158. YS 45
  159. 140L v 140FZ
  160. What kind of After-Run Oil?
  161. Prop For a YS63FZ
  162. New .63 "S"
  163. YS .91AC exhaust
  164. YS 110 fuel choices
  165. Broken exhaust valve YS 91
  166. YS 140L - broken conrod
  167. YS 110 HELP!
  168. YS 110 FZ Repair
  169. YS 1.40 Dıngo Service need!!!
  170. YS91 FZ Midrange Boggle
  171. Fuel tank for YS .63?
  172. YS 63FZ quitting problems
  173. Ys 63 problem
  174. Service
  175. 140L
  176. Y.S. DZ 1.60 WHEN DAVE?
  177. Little promotional cowl stickers?
  178. A starting problem with dingo.
  179. YS 61 AR needs bearings?
  180. ys110fz pour low end and fuel leak around the rear air chamber
  181. YS Fuel Mix
  182. YS 63 cutting out
  183. YS 91 Regulator!
  184. ys .63 pre-ignition???
  185. YS 45 Rear Exhaust
  186. Which plug?
  187. YS53 versus YS63
  188. 140DZ Inverted Problem
  189. YS140DZ
  190. YS53 problems
  191. Help with ys63fz please..!
  192. 120FZ pushrods
  193. ys 63 keeps quiting
  194. YS120 Disc Valve Pin
  195. Remote Glow
  196. bearing replacement
  197. YS 1.10 and ES carbon pipe
  198. YS .45 2stroke
  199. YS110 broke screw
  200. Throttle opening for idle
  201. YS 50 heli comming?
  202. 91 FZ.. Broken connector rod
  203. YS63FZ Thread Size
  204. YS91FZ Top End Help!
  205. YS120 AC HEAD Valve guides
  206. 140L
  207. YS 63FZ and UCANDO 46
  208. YS 53 Self-Help
  209. Regulator Plunger
  210. 91 AC Which prop?
  211. New to 4-strokes and YS - props for the 110?
  212. YS .63S and YS Performance - Outstanding!
  213. 120 AC First Flights
  214. YS80 MK2 Heli Service Availability?
  215. Fuel line length for 140DZ
  216. DZ140 wirst pin
  217. dingo down on power?
  218. YS 63 Problem
  220. New to the YS engine...
  221. Erratic when warm! (YS 110)
  222. YS FZ 110
  223. YS 91AC
  224. YS 63
  225. Nitro content YS 63- UK cheap skates!
  226. YS63 Loading Up
  227. YS 63 Trouble
  228. Service info.?
  229. 91AC Valve question
  230. Gas Porting revisited
  231. Stripped thread in crankcase
  232. More 91AC exhaust questions
  233. FZ 120 idle problem
  234. Midrange richness
  235. YS 1.20NC tuning problems
  236. YS 63 Help
  237. YS 63 Safe to run without Muffler?
  238. YS 53 detonation
  239. YS53 air leak
  240. YS 91FZ
  241. 120 AC
  242. YS .60 RC
  243. FZ 140
  244. DZ 140 Muffler ??
  245. Sticky throttle YS45
  246. YS 120 FS Header Threads
  247. YS 140FZ flooding
  248. YS 63
  249. Crashed YS-91 now runs poorly.
  250. YS .61 AR