View Full Version : S.P.A.D. Aircraft - Coroplast design

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  1. Back into SPAD's
  2. Last 4 years spad news
  3. Spadworld site
  4. Trying to find Coroplast in Florida
  5. Spad
  6. Tough Jets
  7. shipping tube fuselage
  8. Is Spadtothebone gone?
  9. Coroplast...
  10. 48" 3d-spad
  11. V-launch spad
  12. plane size ?
  13. spad weight
  14. SPAD Hell On Rails Yardstick Spar?
  15. Good Ground Run, No Takeoff
  16. SPAD with polycarbonate..anyone..?
  17. Replacement for Downspout and U channel
  18. Not enough nose weight.
  19. enough engine ?.
  20. sign vinyl adhesive questions
  21. question for the experienced SPAD builders/ flyers.....opinions wanted/needed
  22. a few (bunch) of questions
  23. flyer out of business. Anyone know where I should do my CG?
  24. Engine Failure on Takeoff
  25. Spad Voodoo, 7' span 52cc gas pattern plane
  26. Airmadillo Combat 40 (The Airplane Factory) Aluminum & Coroplast
  27. A Little Modification
  28. Good first SPAD
  29. Here I go again
  30. Spad skis
  31. spad
  32. maidened new 17cc spad
  33. new spad
  34. rcs/sv 17 cc in spad
  35. Debonair 2.4 ant. Placement
  36. will it fly?!
  37. Full Size SPAD
  38. USS on steroids
  39. SPAD GNAT Sport Flyer w/Magnum .30 4s
  40. 100cc SPAD
  41. 2014 SPAD DPS 2 pylon race rules and schedule
  42. gutter pipe
  43. Micro Spads
  44. First ever spad build SICKLE and need some quick help with the spar
  45. 40 size spad without gutter pipe help needed
  46. WHERE IS A FFF forum?
  47. BUHOR barely flys
  48. SPAD DPS Pylon Racing in Idaho Falls with Video
  49. spad cub
  50. Coroplast wings?
  51. Roundtuit
  52. new to spads, need help
  53. Glider help
  54. Large Scale Cub Build 50cc Gas
  55. USS Flight, Crash, Videos TGY52cc
  56. Has anyone built this SPAD? Large Scale Cub
  57. 1200 mm Coroflute FPV platform
  58. Spadfest 2012 Event videos are here !
  59. New All SPAD Combat Class
  61. SPAD Debonair questions
  62. Looking for a Source for Coroplast Sheets
  63. 1st annual Idaho Falls SPAD RACE Pics
  64. 60" wingspan DVII
  65. delete post please
  66. Can anyone ID this SPAD
  67. World's First Flying SPAD Jet
  68. Extra 300 or Edge Plans
  69. SPAD Debonair
  70. CG of Sickle
  71. Tattoo
  72. My Spadrastic
  73. NEW SPAD
  75. Coro supply in Illinois
  76. STTB site down
  77. delta wing
  78. SPAD Diamond Dust
  79. SPAD Ultralight
  80. Kombat Armadillo
  81. 2012 SPAD Pylon racing schedule
  82. KEfoamy!
  83. Ic to Electric SPAD
  84. Low wing spad?
  85. CC Edge 540
  86. TA-152 foam build
  87. Ultra Spad Stick "Trainer" Mods
  88. Advice on next S.P.A.D.
  89. Favorite SPAD
  90. 150% Spadstick
  91. i wanna make one- need advice
  92. Flying Fencepost
  93. Have not built a SPAD in a while and...
  94. 150% DPS Questions
  95. new spad flyer
  96. Spad 4 star 40
  97. Spad Diamond Dust plan...
  98. SPAD DPS 2 pylon course race 25th of Sept, Boise ID
  99. Iam missing rc so bad
  100. OS .15LA on Sickle... Is it enough?
  101. Flute creased in wrong direction
  102. looking for cox 049 or speed 400 spad plans
  103. main spar alterations
  104. Forget the TEXT, Just Post Photos!!
  105. Cub repair.
  106. BUHOR engine size help.
  107. Need Help choosing the right sized brushless motor
  108. Spad Voodoo
  109. Post your Spadfest videos and pictures
  110. servos on big spads
  111. ultraspadstik engine standoffs post pics please
  112. Kombat Armadillo
  113. combats
  114. My current Spads
  115. Questions about the Spadstick and DPS
  116. USS Videos
  117. Spad for a .46LA
  118. Electric,Foam, Flying Wing
  119. First time spadder needs help!
  120. SPADET or debonair from only 2mil coro?
  121. SPAD with brushed motor? Need HELP!
  123. First Coro Plane
  124. first spad build
  125. Help please.
  126. Threaded Rod Pulling out of a Nyrod.
  127. Bulldawg Plans, Anyone have them?
  128. Help point me in the right direction
  129. Post some servo gas tank setup electronics setups please
  130. I went thru all the spad posts to day one ..
  131. ultraspastik problem help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  132. SAL hybrid
  133. mugi evo SPAD coroplast
  134. Tail Reinforcement idea
  135. Twin
  136. ski flying
  137. Cutting coro Jig ideas
  138. All the 2mm and 4mm coroplast you want. any color
  139. help! New to e-flite what to order for SPAD
  140. Ultra Spad Stik 4 mil wing?
  141. Voting day means free SPAD coroplast.(the day after)
  142. Electric flyin fence post
  143. US Aircore Float Instructions
  144. Shooting at r/c planes? ATS Gnat.
  145. Politics and RC airplanes?
  146. spa3d
  147. Gnat
  148. first build
  149. New Spadfest videos
  150. Civil Air Patrol builds SPAD
  151. looking for better spad stick tail mount method
  152. how do I launch my Draco
  153. Return of TopDawg
  154. the spanard (push-pull canard idea)
  155. YIKES!!! Crashed by DPS today
  156. Mounting Servos inside Wing
  157. what size servo for DRACO
  158. what size engine for draco
  159. Where to buy aluminum For BUHOR
  160. os .10 spad
  161. Where to buy 2 1/2" PVC in New Jersey
  162. SPAD Pylon Racing!!
  163. SPAD
  164. SPADS Over the West Coast 2010
  165. flipper on rails
  166. GIANT MEGA PBF named "precious"
  167. new plane Big Bird..
  168. Nice Flat Wing!
  169. A question on building wings
  170. New bird
  171. Flew my spad gnat today!
  173. SPADfest10
  174. Spadsticks
  175. New 2mm & 4mm Coroplast Supplier!
  176. Electric QHOR
  177. Fuse
  178. New USS
  179. Balance issues
  180. Corostar II and Snowy Weather
  181. 3D capable SPAD w/ OS 40 LA????
  182. Biplane
  183. 25 size spad
  184. Bipe.
  185. S.P.A.D. Aircraft - Coroplast design PHOTOS!
  186. Snow Skis
  187. Derelict / Dogfighter Combo
  188. Need help in regards to park flyer foamy
  189. Maiden Gnat Flight
  190. $75 to ship coro!!!
  191. Why are all the wings flat bottom?
  192. USS engine question
  193. Spad Stick wing question
  194. Where to find square pvc?
  195. Glass vs. Wing Wrap
  196. spad bearcat & FW 190 for SSC combat
  197. SPA3D for first 3D profile
  198. What design is this?
  199. servo breakages
  200. New Twin Tail
  201. Upsize the Debonair
  202. Spad to the Bone Dominator Problem
  203. cutting flutes
  204. Spad Extra won't knife edge
  205. New to spads!
  206. 1/2A
  207. What is this
  208. My spad force
  209. spazzler wing
  210. Something never seen before!?!?!?!?????
  211. Alright I got another .15 sized one built, simpler this time
  212. What to build?
  213. coro stang build videos
  214. spadstick build videos
  215. USS 2 piece Wing
  216. A couple of hrs in the hobby room, and look what I came out with:
  217. Coroplast in Puerto Rico?
  218. Is Harbor Sales still in business
  219. New airframe idea - Flying runway
  220. RafaSpad
  221. SPAD Twin Tail
  222. coroplast planes
  223. Coro supplier in Tn
  224. coro round fuse build video
  225. Egg drop plane
  226. Spad Dazzler sort of.....
  227. need help on first spad
  228. Poly glue identification
  229. coro P-40
  230. Crossing over
  231. SPAD's Over The West Coast
  232. First SPAD
  233. Meet POKEY
  234. New SPAD.
  235. Building 1st SPAD...Debonair...BUT
  236. SPAD Gyrocopter
  237. Coro Pete and Poke, Stick and twin stick
  238. Found UK correx-style supplier now fora design
  239. will it fly?
  240. intro and corro uk?
  241. Spads for FMS
  242. Coro weight Vers. Others????
  243. This ones da BOMB!
  244. 101 uses for Coro...besides the obvious
  245. CoroSpit for 60 size TT
  246. Thrust Vectoring-Mugi EVO V.T
  247. I need snoopy doghouse kit or plans
  248. Pardon my ignorance. What is S.P.A.D.? Corolast?
  249. SPAD Swept Wing Pusher Canard
  250. Flutter