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  1. positive approach to the issues our hobby faces
  2. AMA EC's Financial Stewardship - Latest Data
  3. Getting back into R/C
  4. AMA public demonstration
  5. RemoteID exemptions for events
  6. Club fun
  7. How many members AMA is actually "shy"?
  8. No manual, no make RPAS registion
  9. AMA remote ID update
  10. Remote ID rule for UAS now in full effect.
  11. Event FRIA's
  12. FRIA Map
  13. Altitude Waivers!
  14. Pearl Harbor Day
  15. AMA, Gilded Trough of Advocacy
  16. RCUniverse Forum Rules
  17. 700 AMA clubs did not apply for a FRIA
  18. Franklin "Loki" Legos ERB
  19. Bad Neighbor's Drone gets Shredded by Fierce Dog
  20. Skyknights end of year BBQ and Fun Fly.
  21. FRIA List
  22. executive VP
  23. RID Postponement: FAA's Unenforceable Threat
  24. Franklin's Big Chance
  25. Cub Nuts
  26. AMA's Financial Trends Continue
  27. Here's what the FAA FRIA approval notice looks like :)
  28. Remote ID: Training from FAA
  29. Remote ID postponed
  30. Flight Test FRIA approved
  31. Community outreach program
  32. FAA Publishes FRIA Sites....
  33. Source: AMA IRS990 Filings
  34. AMA EC Financial Performance
  35. Flite test ez remote identification
  36. Socrates
  37. Just purchased my DroneTag...
  38. What does Flite Test offer?
  39. Time for the AMA to step up
  40. Flying season
  41. some news
  42. Well spent members' money...
  43. Impact Testing
  44. Canada and RC Log Books
  45. AMA's Muncie site capped at 700AGL
  46. Higher altitudes for sanctioned events.
  47. Biden's FAA Administrator Nominee
  48. Balloon thoughts........
  49. Flight Test and FPVFC Petition/Memo 2023 FAA Authorization.
  50. MAAC exemption cancelled by Transport Canada.
  51. AMA Transparency Improvement Proposals
  52. 4,000 FRIAs
  53. how long to get member id
  54. Clubs Flying on Army or other Military Property (How Did You Do It)
  55. National Security TFRs - Wanna bet AMA didn't notify?
  56. Dronetag Beacon RID Module
  57. A look into the procedures of Lawyers who litigate UAS claims
  58. Site Liability Insurance
  59. Amazon Drone manager fired for Raising Safety Concerns
  60. Rules For Flying Over People and Vehicles
  61. FAA Employees Trying on Lipstick and Make Up While Two Planes Nearly Collide
  62. Fria
  63. FAA Drone Advisory Committee LGBTQI+ visibility
  64. NOTAMs failure grounds all US flights this AM
  65. FAA Using DJI AeroScope at Larger Airports
  66. Safety First Amigos
  67. Sig Manufacturing
  68. Merry Christmas!
  69. AMA Mar Rationalization of Breaking Rules
  70. Model Aeronautics Association Canada (MAAC) to ground members
  71. FAA Expectations ... Becoming Clear
  72. FAA Response: FRIA Lateral Limits
  73. Does more FRIAs = Better?
  74. They just can't help themselves
  75. THREE different CBOs per FAA!
  76. FAA Survey
  77. Violation while flying a drone ... Can you lose your certificate?
  78. Drone "Czar"
  79. Texas Air Show B17 / P63 Crash, possible drone strike
  80. AMA Magazines - Financial Performance
  81. Network Remote ID didn't go away.
  82. AMA's Leadership: Continued Financial Decline
  83. AMA just approved as the FAA's first recognized CBO
  84. Safety Metrics & AC91-57C
  85. New FAA regs released
  86. FAA staff
  87. Lack of transparency: AMA won't meet even OWN deadlines!
  88. Mosaic
  89. Membership Growth
  90. RDQ & RemoteID: Appeals Court Decision
  91. TFRs and you, who to believe ?????
  92. List of AMA clubs operating in “controlled”airspace”?
  93. Red Bull plane swap
  94. FAA administrative lapse causes US Capitol evacuation
  95. AMA getting above 400 AGL - Not so successful
  96. FAA FOIA Request Results
  97. something that may need to be confirmed
  98. AMA and Drones
  99. RC airplanes on Pawn Stars
  100. Have you ever used your AMA insurance
  101. RDQ Lawsuit vs FAA - be careful what you ask for...
  102. I just realized ....
  103. Another Example: Lack of Transparency
  104. FAA survey monkey
  105. AMA / MAAC reciprocal agreement ends......
  106. FBI Bulletin - Drones & Power Grid
  107. COVID + Supply Chain + Inflation
  108. AMA Election Results
  109. Exemptions
  110. Flite Test STEM/Education Programming .. WOW!
  111. Who First?
  112. 50 days & no EC minutes? 7 days & counting to "proof?"
  113. AMA "salaries" consume 40% of every dues dollar!
  114. AMA IRS Filings vs. "Annual Reports"
  115. Yet again, 30+ days and still no minutes posted
  116. Visiting and Flying in Canada
  117. Will EC member EVER acknowledge the financial trends?
  118. FAA says 400 class G is NOT waiverable
  119. Another dues increase coming?
  120. How TRUST increases legal liability for AMA & members
  121. Ama trust
  122. AMA's Demographic Problem
  123. Yet again, >30 days and no EC minutes yet
  124. WSJ article on drones
  125. STILL no agenda for upcoming EC mtg - AMA keeping members in the dark!
  126. 5 Short Words
  127. Keeping members in the dark, no EC agenda published
  128. AMA Jr Camp
  129. AMA Bashing is Pointless
  130. AMA, finances, and "agility"
  131. FAA Test...AMA administer? And pigs might fly!
  132. Flitetest
  133. Yet again, more than 30 days and still no EC minutes!
  134. AMA's 2019 Tax filing - the financial implosion continues
  135. AMA no longer part of the Drone Advisory Committee
  136. Mass and rapid growth in clubs
  137. Fields w/ >400 ... since AMA won't share info
  138. FAA Executive Summary of final rule presented for publication
  139. FBI: LAX jetpack likely a balloon or drone
  140. No Fail Test......
  141. Returning after 6yrs - What do I have to do?
  142. Paying for mediocrity - your AMA dollar
  143. AMA met w/ OMB? Here's the rest of the story
  144. AMA's new "free benefit" isn't new at all ... LAANC's been free for a year already
  145. And , in a further possible dilution of our core mission ;
  146. Club combat.
  147. Not too sure what to think here ?!?!?!?
  148. six questions
  149. Over $500,000 in "Litigation Settlements?"
  150. Interesting.
  151. Why isn't AMA giving details of it's "wins?"
  152. 2008-18: AMA spent 204% more on "Executive Compensation" than on "Lobbying"
  153. 2008-18: AMA Salaries up 45%, mbr revenue down 14%
  154. 2008-18: AMA spent more of "office supplies" than "lobbying?"
  155. "Unwashed Masses" not permitted to see blog post?
  156. Questions for AMA Membership Mtg - 25 July
  157. July MA - AMA CFO Paints Grim Economic Future
  158. AMA = "Activity" but precious little results?
  159. Good till 2023 ......
  160. Open question to AMA Executive Council
  161. AMA membership interests
  162. AMA Fiscal - Deficits in 2019, 2018, 2017 & false statement on IRS990
  163. Suggestions on better leveraging our membership
  164. Ending mini-lawyering ... is it past time for AMA to require members follow the law?
  165. More jusitfication for RemoteID
  166. AMA still "Romancing the drone?"
  167. FAA's press release email, first 8 remote ID USS
  168. Will we wait a month for 25 April EC minutes?
  169. DoJ Issues Guidance for Counter Drone in US
  170. Did anyone else notice that AMA ran a deficit last year?
  171. Covid-19, Sanctioned Events, & Aging Demographic
  172. What is the rational economic reason for joining AMA?
  173. RC airplanes on TV
  174. AMA letter to FAA, have you READ IT?
  175. New AMA Coalition Lobbies for Better Remote ID Rule
  176. There will be no overcoming this...
  177. European Union requirements for Remote ID Add-On
  178. AMA District III VP Calls for Action on NPRM
  179. Direct link to the FAA comment page for Remote ID proposed rules
  180. For my NPRM response - how "big" is this hobby?
  181. What the NPRM will mean for everyone...
  182. FAA recreational UAS operator change for 2020?
  183. FRIAs and the "Casual User"
  184. The Happy AMA Thread , What do YOU do with them ?
  185. The EAA Get's It, why not the AMA?
  186. For your NPRM Response...s.
  187. Comment on tbe FAA NPRM
  188. Non club member
  189. Rant on FAA and why I won't become an AMA member
  190. The FAA’s Remote ID Proposal for Drones is Here!
  191. :( FAA webinar didn't work for me ....
  192. How does everyone feel about the new CBO?
  193. 2019 AMA election voter turnout :(
  194. AMA Doesn't Allow This, Thankfully....
  195. AMA call to action pending
  196. Why we fly RC airplanes
  197. FAA test for RC fixed wing?
  198. End of AMA EXpos?
  199. should be no more drone vids with weapons in the usa...
  200. We Lost our Flying Sites Due to DoD Regulations regarding COTS UaS
  201. Fun run-in.
  202. Hello?
  203. What Does the Future Hold?
  204. Safety Record
  205. Low Altitude Visualization Map Link
  206. link to sites in controled airspace map
  207. FAA Sez CBO mbrs NOT legal to fly >400 AGL in class G
  208. AMA Acknowledges 400 foot AGL Limit in Class G
  209. Faa certificate renewal
  210. Will AMA address second sentence in AC 91-57B "Effect of Guidance?"
  211. What If?
  212. Official FAA Authorization Document - Flight in Controlled Airspace
  213. The mentality of drone pilots.
  214. DHS believes Chinese made drones aka DJI drones
  215. Is This a Win For the AMA?
  216. Though Not AMA Transport Canada and MAAC Have Come to an Agreement.
  217. Another Perspective on FAA Rules for Recreation Flying
  218. FAA Update
  219. FAA registration numbers and enforcement
  220. Perspective From the FAA
  221. AMA does what??
  222. And commercial delivery begins in the US
  223. FAA's "Buzzy the Drone" campaign .....
  224. Google Wings doing live deliveries Australia
  225. FPV video
  226. The Thing Is............
  227. Part 107 and contests
  228. Growth: Whose responsiblity is it?
  229. Just Curious
  230. identification #'s
  231. So, What Really IS a CBO?
  232. OK Speedracer!
  233. sUAS News
  234. Local Airport / My club - what Airspace are we in?
  235. New marking rule - Effective 25 February
  236. AMA EC Key Measures of Performance - Last 15yrs
  237. It's the same old conversation over and over again...
  238. No other options?
  239. A Challenge to the Faithful
  240. FAA telling Law Enforcement they CAN act...
  241. While AMA talks, FAA acts...
  242. Team USA F3D
  243. Model Aviation page 4off
  244. AMA Not posting meeting minutes?
  245. Poll - What's your heaviest model?
  246. "Emergency" EC Meeting? 12 December?
  247. 2019 AMA sticker
  248. Attract and keep members
  249. Expo West ... Attendance? Member meeting?
  250. Everything I enjoy about the hobby is crumbling.